July 23, 2005

Randomness...+fic O_O

Main theme of my blog: random crap...so expect NOTHING but random crap... X3

Have been wondering for a while if the font's too small to read...but ahh....shud be fine..I hope XD

Tmr got Induction Programme written test....haven't finish reading thru...then 8-4 got some Club Organizational Programme by STAD....free food..yay....it better be good....about 60-70% of the things they wanna teach us how to do, we already know how to do (according to cross-checking with MunMun)...thanks to our seniors who trained us last time ^^ ...domo arigato ne...

Lotsa new songs in my playlist today...which means comp whines even more....everytime I enter #nipponsei@irc.rizon.net , my comp whines....coz that would mean at LEAST 150MB more 'junk' into it...today's was about 350MB in total...nyaahaha BLEKKKK....WOKAY OKAY...dun get mad at me... *pats pats CPU* ...

Hmmm...among stashed items were GITS OST3 :3 ...YAY...glad that this one suits my taste too...a lil techno+...ermm...I dunno wat u call the genre...ahh...nvm. Conclusion: I like it :D

The thing is...my WinAMP3 naik gila....hmm...I know, you guys would be saying "WATT?? What the hell are you still using WinAMP3 FOR???" ...I get a lot of that...I like it...it has multiple playlist and I get to enqueue...and it doesn't lag so much compared to when I TRIED using WinAMP5...

...and I'm still using Win98 (*gets another "WHAT....." statement) ...ahh....I'll upgrade on my next reformat...

....oh yeah...my WinAMP naik gila..happened b4..sumthing bout some dunno wat dll file kenot load and wtf else...basically had to uninstall and reinstall...resetting all EQ settings and skin settings and wtf else...and of course...all my playlist gone (I had 20-30 of them there... >___< ) ...got lazy....just loaded my bulky Anime MP3 folder....and it's so junky.... :P....kekekeke.... Took out my old casio digital watch (it lags 5 mins a week) and wore it today...my first 'own expense' stuff I bought back when I was Std 6...was very proud of it then...and still proud of it now ^__^ ...the only downside of this lil baby is the buttons kinda got etched and I can't press them properly...and yeah, it lags 5 mins/week. But I still love it...am considering wearing it again... (stopped wearing it when I started relying on my HP for time...but find it troublesome having to korek HP everytime I want the time)...kinda lotsa scratches on it now...including the one I got on it when I crash-landing on the rough court playing Volley last time....hmm...the injury was minor compared to what i have now >.< ...lets say 10% of it...kekkeke.... And yeah....me hoping the scar will go away b4 I go home next week....yeahhh...yeahhh......BIG FAT HOPES....am just hoping mum wun notice...HEY...REALLY....she didn't notice the blue-black bruise I sustained during my TKD training last time until a week later...when it got SO MUCH better already...so...yeah...I'm hoping the same thing happening her....kekekke.... ...everytime I see my puppy's pic....I feel like wanna cuddle it SO MUCH.... >___< ...AAAAAAA....WHY SO CUTE LAA!! Mum and aunt suggesting some silly 'hair-raising' names...sis and bro suggesting MORE stupid hair-raising(and maybe falling off) names....Darling, Lady *shudders*, Ruby, Pochot (...dun ask me why)...ChotChot....AAAAAA.....2 weeks and THAT'S wat they can come up with?? (Suddenly thinks of "Pablo"...and laughs like hell) ...NO...will think of sumthing better...later...and NO kakashin...not 'Moving Carpet' ....not 'mop' either...tho it does act like one...kekkee... *Gets fic mood* ...dun read the following if you dun like fics....coz I write fics..and I've never wrote one in..2 months...a complete one at least...my RP friend's not online....aaaahhh...the boredom...miss her...

//enter fic mode ---

S: *jumps on G on bed*
S: *laughs at G's expression*
G: ....you know...I'll die like that one day...
S: I thought you're a tough guy *hugs*
G: Doesn't mean you can do that everytime you see me.
S: Awww....dun get mad...coz I wun say "I'm sorry"...coz I'm not... X3
G: You're not sorry eh??
S: *shakes head*
G: *Tickles S*
S: *Giggles and pushes G away*
G: *Holds on tight to S and tickles more*
S: *Can't take it anymore and hugs G tight to close up the distance so he can't ticle anymore*
G: I thought you said you weren't ticklish.
S: Only when I can control it...I don't need to now...*lies on his chest and nuzzles his neck*
---long silence---
G: Ne...I've been wondering for a while...
S: Hnnn??? *sleepy voice*
G: What...makes you like me so much???
---another long silence---
S: .....when I see your picture, it makes me smile, it makes me happy. When I hear your voice...it gives me sweet thoughts...when I think of you..I'll laugh to myself....
S: *gets up a lil and levels face with G*
S: And when I see you...it makes me wanna hold your hand, touch your face, stroke that soft hair of yours, put my hand around your neck...*softens to a whisper* and pull you down to a drowning kiss...*kisses him*

---exits fic mode//

EEEEEEEEKKKKKK...SO LONG DIN WRITE DEE....NyahahHAHHAHAha.....gomen gomen if it makes your hair stand on it's end...I just wanna write it out... XP ...I DID warn....S and G??...it could be a guy and a girl..it COULD also be a guy and another guy... XD ...most prolly the latter coz I write a lot of those...so.....



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