Eto...what's pushed to the limits?? Me?? not sleeping is quite a normal thing...
But...even tho me pushing my comp to the limits is ALSO quite a usual thing, it has never gone past THIS:
Windows reported my Disc Free Space=0.98MB's a new record.
Culprit: Downloaded Negima #21, Honey & Clover #14 [Both for Shindee] and completed my (lost) Erementar Gerad #9 within the last 12 hours, a few chapters of manga from #lurk@irchighway...and recent dumps of MP3
Course of Action:
a. TRY restart comp see if it works to 'add' more MBs to the system... ^^;
b. Finish my lab report. Then watch Gun X Sword #2 and delete it off the system. Then watch Bleach #42 and maybe delete that too...since I can easily get it from a fast bot. *looks around* ...hmm..nothing else to delete...
...hope that'll be enough so that I can on my HL:OF ...need to kill off that bug.. >__<
Conclusion: I need a new HDD ......
...and yeah...some sleep too...
EEK!! Thunder outside!! *hides*
July 29, 2005
July 28, 2005
New Template...almost
Yeah...conjuring a new template...not much 'wildflowers' yet...they haven't grown...^^; ..sorry...
Not exactly 'done' yet either...come upon a few errors...the font's too small for my liking [Edit: Fixed this]...the post bar wun...scroll...will take some time to fix it later...and maybe change the background too...prefer to have a self-made background. The current one constrains my post page size too...thus, making some of my picture-posts looks...weird and out of alignment...yerks! And it makes all my post 'centered'...weird...[edit: Fixed this too...yay] I'll leave the template as it is..coz I like it.
Have made discovery today on how these ppl earn money doing templates for ppl. They slid in GoogleAdsense codes into the blog template hopes that ppl wun realise it's there and put it as their template and use them...and the ads gets loaded and they earn cash that way. I managed to clear off quite a number of those ads...phew...thank God I pick up a bit of HTML last time...kinda useful sometimes...

Not exactly 'done' yet either...come upon a few errors...the font's too small for my liking [Edit: Fixed this]...the post bar wun...scroll...will take some time to fix it later...and maybe change the background too...prefer to have a self-made background. The current one constrains my post page size too...thus, making some of my picture-posts looks...weird and out of alignment...yerks! And it makes all my post 'centered'...weird...[edit: Fixed this too...yay] I'll leave the template as it is..coz I like it.
Have made discovery today on how these ppl earn money doing templates for ppl. They slid in GoogleAdsense codes into the blog template hopes that ppl wun realise it's there and put it as their template and use them...and the ads gets loaded and they earn cash that way. I managed to clear off quite a number of those ads...phew...thank God I pick up a bit of HTML last time...kinda useful sometimes...
Oh btw....

ISN'T SHE ADORABLE???!!! ...kay kay...maybe not to all of you -__- ...nvm...just ignore me...
July 26, 2005
Chicken+Potato Porridge
*listening to: Beauty and the Beast and various songs from movies*
About half a bowl of rice, washed.
2 potatoes
1 medium sized onion
1 clove of garlic
1 chicken stock cube
1/2 sausage (or chicken meat if available..even better actually)
Small pot of water
1. Put the washed rice into the pot of water. Add in cube of chicken stock. Boil.
2. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into cubes. Prefebly small. Toss them into the pot of water.
3. Then dice up the onion. Size as desired. Toss them into the pot of water.
3. Finely chop the garlic. Toss them into the pot of water as well (yawn).
4. Cube the sausage. Size as desired. Toss into pot of water (duh).
5. Boil...boil...boil...stir constantly to make sure rice doesn't stick to the base of the pot and become 'chow ta' (burned).
6. Add salt to taste. Add ajinomoto and pepper if desired. Add water if it's too dry.
7. Once potatoes/rice has soften...turn of fire...then it's ready to eat. need to pour out wan, can eat straight from the pot. XD
Yeah, you may end up with more potatoes than rice, but that's how I like it... XP
**finished a whole pot of potato chicken porridge eventho entended to leave half of it for dinner. ... ^^;
About half a bowl of rice, washed.
2 potatoes
1 medium sized onion
1 clove of garlic
1 chicken stock cube
1/2 sausage (or chicken meat if available..even better actually)
Small pot of water
1. Put the washed rice into the pot of water. Add in cube of chicken stock. Boil.
2. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes into cubes. Prefebly small. Toss them into the pot of water.
3. Then dice up the onion. Size as desired. Toss them into the pot of water.
3. Finely chop the garlic. Toss them into the pot of water as well (yawn).
4. Cube the sausage. Size as desired. Toss into pot of water (duh).
5. Boil...boil...boil...stir constantly to make sure rice doesn't stick to the base of the pot and become 'chow ta' (burned).
6. Add salt to taste. Add ajinomoto and pepper if desired. Add water if it's too dry.
7. Once potatoes/rice has soften...turn of fire...then it's ready to eat. need to pour out wan, can eat straight from the pot. XD
Yeah, you may end up with more potatoes than rice, but that's how I like it... XP
**finished a whole pot of potato chicken porridge eventho entended to leave half of it for dinner. ... ^^;
July 25, 2005
Line: Stabilyzed.
Yeah, after 3 freakin days of Online/DC/Online/DC and super unstable line, my internet connection has FINALLY decided to stop jumping around and sat quitely while we abuse the B/Width (not that there's new anime to DL now... :( )
The solution: We shut down Lisa's torrent programme. *deathglares*
....I dunno WHY...but our house's internet connection seems to have a problem with BT. "Tak ngam" if you would have it.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem very much welcomed.
Yet another sleepy day.
Today Lisa and I biked to Pasar Malam at around 6.30pm. When we were coming back, while crossing the 'crazy junction' (it's an uphill slope on our way back)...there's this ambulance beside us. We ignored it at first, until it suddenly blared it's sirens with US BESIDE IT!! ...NYAAAA...They could have just taken us up as 'passengers' if they wanted to...*pissed* ...scared the hell out of the two of loud and suddenly...cilakak!
Popiah from Pasar Malam was was the Char Kueh Kak/Lobak Kuih. *goes off to drink soya bean juice*
The solution: We shut down Lisa's torrent programme. *deathglares*
....I dunno WHY...but our house's internet connection seems to have a problem with BT. "Tak ngam" if you would have it.
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem very much welcomed.
Yet another sleepy day.
Today Lisa and I biked to Pasar Malam at around 6.30pm. When we were coming back, while crossing the 'crazy junction' (it's an uphill slope on our way back)...there's this ambulance beside us. We ignored it at first, until it suddenly blared it's sirens with US BESIDE IT!! ...NYAAAA...They could have just taken us up as 'passengers' if they wanted to...*pissed* ...scared the hell out of the two of loud and suddenly...cilakak!
Popiah from Pasar Malam was was the Char Kueh Kak/Lobak Kuih. *goes off to drink soya bean juice*
I want: LOTR Miniature letter openers...
...iniatially wanted to blog bout this...but forgot... XP
Have these:
i. Sting Miniature letter opener is REALLY COOL...I mean...for a's really detailed..the scaling's well done too...and the far as I'm concerned...I'm satisfied...the ver I got was w/o the stupid rock base..coz it was gonna cost me RM60 or sumthing...if I remember correctly...
ii. Shards of Narsil miniature letter opener ..they really shatter this LOOKS special...and can really cut you if you wanna try poking yourself using the sharp point of the sis commented: "You spent 200+bucks on a broken sword??" ...yeah..sounds silly...but as long as I like it...and as long as it looks good (which it really does-you can actually assemble the shards back into the shape of a full sword...XP )...and IF I dun want it one day, I can always sell it off in auction...this thing's limited (AFAIK *shrugs*)
USED to want THESE:
iii. Anduril miniature letter opener: ....this baby has got incriptions on it!!..and the HILT!! ...the level of detailing they give this one is enuff to impress me...may STILL want this one...later ...later ..after Graphire3+HDD

iv. Glamdring miniature letter opener: I just like the shape of the blade..that's all...but maybe after the latest product by UnitedCutlery's latest line of miniature blades from LOTR...I might think again... (see below)
NOW, I want THESE!!
Review: *faints* ..they have THESE NOW???....wat the.... ....great...
v. Hadhafang Elven blade, carried by Arwen, miniature letter opener version. This was one of the blades which I swore I'd get if they DO have a miniature of it...that was 2 years ago...but I'm stil into it...

vi. Strider's Elven Dagger/blade: This just as cool and as impressive as the one before...and another one which I DID consider buying if they DID have a miniature version of it...
..and both of these is gonna cost me...not sure if the scaling is well done for both of these Elven miniature blades...but I definaly wun get the version WITH the stupid rock base (which will prolly cost me another RM60 each)...
DECISION: Will drop by UltimateToys, 1Utama, on my next trip to KL. Hope they have a sample there. Hope Kevin's in. And my guess is I'll end up commiting another couple of hundred bucks there..again...
Have always been crazy bout weaponry...will always be...end of statement.
...damn you Kevin for sending me the newsletter...
Have these:

i. Sting Miniature letter opener is REALLY COOL...I mean...for a's really detailed..the scaling's well done too...and the far as I'm concerned...I'm satisfied...the ver I got was w/o the stupid rock base..coz it was gonna cost me RM60 or sumthing...if I remember correctly...

USED to want THESE:

iii. Anduril miniature letter opener: ....this baby has got incriptions on it!!..and the HILT!! ...the level of detailing they give this one is enuff to impress me...may STILL want this one...later ...later ..after Graphire3+HDD

iv. Glamdring miniature letter opener: I just like the shape of the blade..that's all...but maybe after the latest product by UnitedCutlery's latest line of miniature blades from LOTR...I might think again... (see below)
NOW, I want THESE!!

Review: *faints* ..they have THESE NOW???....wat the.... ....great...
v. Hadhafang Elven blade, carried by Arwen, miniature letter opener version. This was one of the blades which I swore I'd get if they DO have a miniature of it...that was 2 years ago...but I'm stil into it...

vi. Strider's Elven Dagger/blade: This just as cool and as impressive as the one before...and another one which I DID consider buying if they DID have a miniature version of it...
..and both of these is gonna cost me...not sure if the scaling is well done for both of these Elven miniature blades...but I definaly wun get the version WITH the stupid rock base (which will prolly cost me another RM60 each)...
DECISION: Will drop by UltimateToys, 1Utama, on my next trip to KL. Hope they have a sample there. Hope Kevin's in. And my guess is I'll end up commiting another couple of hundred bucks there..again...
Have always been crazy bout weaponry...will always be...end of statement.
...damn you Kevin for sending me the newsletter...
Good things...
Yeah..."Yay"....why??...coz I written a bunch of words earlier...and it got deleted...why??....coz I was stupiak enuff to open a FirefoxTab to Apple Trailers (under the instability of my current connection)...and my whole firefox jammed there...not was just...'hang'ing there...ahh..sweet....
Ahh..forget bout it...I'll write another...
I was whining bout how idiotic my line was for the past 3-4 days...imagine if you YM, you type one gets thru..and the 2nd line're already DC (eventho your status is still stated there as 'online'??)...your message wun get thru..and any other messages wun get in??...the pro in this condition is that I dun get THAT MUCh spams these days...the bad part of it: I can't chat, I can't get files from ppl (I SO want the video my sis took of my doggie...and seems they decided to name her 'pochot' until further notice.. -__- )...and I have to scream out from the door when I wanna go dinner with my housemates...that is when I'm lazy to walk to their room...ble~~...
Hmm...another weekend just flew by...and it's like "What the heck??!!" classes are only from Mon-Thurs, some random Fridays I'll either have lab or replacement class...but other than dat, it's mostly 4-day week for me. So it's like...weekdays fly by...then it's weekend...and even that will fly by's another week before you notice it..and another..and another...and....I'm already here for 2 months already for my Beta year...urgh....this sux...
Eventho likewise said, overall, I'm pretty happy with my time here. I mean yeah, it DID start like hell during my first few weeks (or rather, month...most of you would surely have known bout my stupiak transfer case...I can only thank god I got my ass back here in Mlk...I love my friends so to mention food XP)...but the end...everything turned out well...tho it seems REALLY REALLY hopeless at the last moment...ahh..
Then there's the nice thing bout my house/'s SO's rather small..but it's cozy. I mean, that's all I need...why bother bout bigger (with more floorspace to sweep at the end of the week??? XD )..and the thing I REALLY love in my room is my comp's compact, it's moveable...and it fits EVERY one of my computer stuff...from the main PC set, to my Lansing and even scanner...heck, I even put the power regulator on it so that I can easily move the whole set around...I can even move the whole set to Lisa's room if I want to..without much hassle...and there's an Ikea lamp clipped on the top shelf of it too...for 'cinema lighting' during 'showtime' when I dun want the room to be too dark...simply said, I love it. I can even twist the whole table to face me when I'm on my writing table...(...not exactly VERY GOOD in this matter...full distraction..kekeke)
hmm...and there's my bike. Bad first experience with it...(as a result, developing some minor phobia when riding)...tho I love it so much now...going to campus is so much faster...coz it's downhill..hehe...and I can finally move my butt and exercise more..keke...but yeah...for 90 bucks...I love this baby.
....and there's the fact that I ate less than 10 packets of Maggi during my 2 months
...dun try to count how many eggs I had...I can't either...
...and the fact that I've only went shopping for groceries TWICE in this freakin 2 months...once in Tesco....and 2nd time in Giant...even that time I only bought *counts* ...2 things...Milo and Sausage....
...and the fact that I haven't EVEN dropped by Jusco EVEN ONCE eversince I came back after the long hols...waa~ ..this sux...
...also the fact that I haven't gotten myself a part-time job that I promised myself...(that sux fault really...aaAA) ...
...and no HDD yet....and no Graphire3 yet (hopes that PCFair will have them at old price... *cries* )
...and I haven't gone to KL for 'non official' business..that is to say, for fun/shopping/meet my sis...and that sux too...
...and that my HP's current balance is RM0.87 cents...making it the 2nd month that I'm spending RM60 in about a month's time instead of two...'great'...
...and that it's 4am and I'm still awake...urgh....napped from 11-12.30 and woken up by oniichan (coz he couldn't wait to tell me how cute the puppy was and how she would listen to my aunt when she told her not to eat her food until told to...and how she'll bite my dad's toes...and how she wun dare to go down the 3-step stairs of my house...and...etc etc...he HAD to tempt me...and reminding me to go fix his comp during my pathetically short holiday...and I still wonder why the HELL his Masters convo was on 8th when I've gotta get my butt back here on 6th...going PC Fair on 7th..hopefully...
EMiNA...hmmm...almost everyweek since Club Registration Week..there's gotta be SUMTHING that has to do with EMiNA that I have to slave myself to attend to...lets see...
Week 2: Members registration
Week 3: hummm..nothing...guess I was wrong...then again we had meetings for AGM this week...
Week 4: AGM
Week 5: First Screening+Bon Odori
Week 6: Weekly Screening+OMS by STAD+Post-mortem/meeting
Week 7: ...bla..nothing (yayy..) ...but then again I got a lot of cash stuff to claim from STAD/Finance.. >___< ....I need a break.... My art life's down the drain...still owe Lisa that drawing I promised her (should have finished it when I could do it real fast then....baka ore...)... I miss a few of my internet friends whom I haven't talked to for...a week or two already... *whines* Have been having happy thoughts of a certain something which I wun really enclose to anyone... ^__^ ...suman... ....crap...downloaded Blood: The last vampire for Yuhi that day...tested it...was working fine...and now when I wanna watch it, it wun open??...WatTheHELL??....
Signing off~~
Yeah..."Yay"....why??...coz I written a bunch of words earlier...and it got deleted...why??....coz I was stupiak enuff to open a FirefoxTab to Apple Trailers (under the instability of my current connection)...and my whole firefox jammed there...not was just...'hang'ing there...ahh..sweet....
Ahh..forget bout it...I'll write another...
I was whining bout how idiotic my line was for the past 3-4 days...imagine if you YM, you type one gets thru..and the 2nd line're already DC (eventho your status is still stated there as 'online'??)...your message wun get thru..and any other messages wun get in??...the pro in this condition is that I dun get THAT MUCh spams these days...the bad part of it: I can't chat, I can't get files from ppl (I SO want the video my sis took of my doggie...and seems they decided to name her 'pochot' until further notice.. -__- )...and I have to scream out from the door when I wanna go dinner with my housemates...that is when I'm lazy to walk to their room...ble~~...
Hmm...another weekend just flew by...and it's like "What the heck??!!" classes are only from Mon-Thurs, some random Fridays I'll either have lab or replacement class...but other than dat, it's mostly 4-day week for me. So it's like...weekdays fly by...then it's weekend...and even that will fly by's another week before you notice it..and another..and another...and....I'm already here for 2 months already for my Beta year...urgh....this sux...
Eventho likewise said, overall, I'm pretty happy with my time here. I mean yeah, it DID start like hell during my first few weeks (or rather, month...most of you would surely have known bout my stupiak transfer case...I can only thank god I got my ass back here in Mlk...I love my friends so to mention food XP)...but the end...everything turned out well...tho it seems REALLY REALLY hopeless at the last moment...ahh..
Then there's the nice thing bout my house/'s SO's rather small..but it's cozy. I mean, that's all I need...why bother bout bigger (with more floorspace to sweep at the end of the week??? XD )..and the thing I REALLY love in my room is my comp's compact, it's moveable...and it fits EVERY one of my computer stuff...from the main PC set, to my Lansing and even scanner...heck, I even put the power regulator on it so that I can easily move the whole set around...I can even move the whole set to Lisa's room if I want to..without much hassle...and there's an Ikea lamp clipped on the top shelf of it too...for 'cinema lighting' during 'showtime' when I dun want the room to be too dark...simply said, I love it. I can even twist the whole table to face me when I'm on my writing table...(...not exactly VERY GOOD in this matter...full distraction..kekeke)
hmm...and there's my bike. Bad first experience with it...(as a result, developing some minor phobia when riding)...tho I love it so much now...going to campus is so much faster...coz it's downhill..hehe...and I can finally move my butt and exercise more..keke...but yeah...for 90 bucks...I love this baby.
....and there's the fact that I ate less than 10 packets of Maggi during my 2 months
...dun try to count how many eggs I had...I can't either...
...and the fact that I've only went shopping for groceries TWICE in this freakin 2 months...once in Tesco....and 2nd time in Giant...even that time I only bought *counts* ...2 things...Milo and Sausage....
...and the fact that I haven't EVEN dropped by Jusco EVEN ONCE eversince I came back after the long hols...waa~ ..this sux...
...also the fact that I haven't gotten myself a part-time job that I promised myself...(that sux fault really...aaAA) ...
...and no HDD yet....and no Graphire3 yet (hopes that PCFair will have them at old price... *cries* )
...and I haven't gone to KL for 'non official' business..that is to say, for fun/shopping/meet my sis...and that sux too...
...and that my HP's current balance is RM0.87 cents...making it the 2nd month that I'm spending RM60 in about a month's time instead of two...'great'...
...and that it's 4am and I'm still awake...urgh....napped from 11-12.30 and woken up by oniichan (coz he couldn't wait to tell me how cute the puppy was and how she would listen to my aunt when she told her not to eat her food until told to...and how she'll bite my dad's toes...and how she wun dare to go down the 3-step stairs of my house...and...etc etc...he HAD to tempt me...and reminding me to go fix his comp during my pathetically short holiday...and I still wonder why the HELL his Masters convo was on 8th when I've gotta get my butt back here on 6th...going PC Fair on 7th..hopefully...
EMiNA...hmmm...almost everyweek since Club Registration Week..there's gotta be SUMTHING that has to do with EMiNA that I have to slave myself to attend to...lets see...
Week 2: Members registration
Week 3: hummm..nothing...guess I was wrong...then again we had meetings for AGM this week...
Week 4: AGM
Week 5: First Screening+Bon Odori
Week 6: Weekly Screening+OMS by STAD+Post-mortem/meeting
Week 7: ...bla..nothing (yayy..) ...but then again I got a lot of cash stuff to claim from STAD/Finance.. >___< ....I need a break.... My art life's down the drain...still owe Lisa that drawing I promised her (should have finished it when I could do it real fast then....baka ore...)... I miss a few of my internet friends whom I haven't talked to for...a week or two already... *whines* Have been having happy thoughts of a certain something which I wun really enclose to anyone... ^__^ ...suman... ....crap...downloaded Blood: The last vampire for Yuhi that day...tested it...was working fine...and now when I wanna watch it, it wun open??...WatTheHELL??....
Signing off~~
July 23, 2005
Randomness...+fic O_O
Main theme of my blog: random expect NOTHING but random crap... X3
Have been wondering for a while if the font's too small to read...but ahh....shud be fine..I hope XD
Tmr got Induction Programme written test....haven't finish reading thru...then 8-4 got some Club Organizational Programme by better be good....about 60-70% of the things they wanna teach us how to do, we already know how to do (according to cross-checking with MunMun)...thanks to our seniors who trained us last time ^^ ...domo arigato ne...
Lotsa new songs in my playlist today...which means comp whines even more....everytime I enter , my comp whines....coz that would mean at LEAST 150MB more 'junk' into's was about 350MB in total...nyaahaha BLEKKKK....WOKAY OKAY...dun get mad at me... *pats pats CPU* ...
Hmmm...among stashed items were GITS OST3 :3 ...YAY...glad that this one suits my taste too...a lil techno+...ermm...I dunno wat u call the genre...ahh...nvm. Conclusion: I like it :D
The thing WinAMP3 naik gila....hmm...I know, you guys would be saying "WATT?? What the hell are you still using WinAMP3 FOR???" ...I get a lot of that...I like has multiple playlist and I get to enqueue...and it doesn't lag so much compared to when I TRIED using WinAMP5...
...and I'm still using Win98 (*gets another "WHAT....." statement) ...ahh....I'll upgrade on my next reformat...
....oh WinAMP naik gila..happened b4..sumthing bout some dunno wat dll file kenot load and wtf else...basically had to uninstall and reinstall...resetting all EQ settings and skin settings and wtf else...and of course...all my playlist gone (I had 20-30 of them there... >___< ) lazy....just loaded my bulky Anime MP3 folder....and it's so junky.... :P....kekekeke.... Took out my old casio digital watch (it lags 5 mins a week) and wore it first 'own expense' stuff I bought back when I was Std 6...was very proud of it then...and still proud of it now ^__^ ...the only downside of this lil baby is the buttons kinda got etched and I can't press them properly...and yeah, it lags 5 mins/week. But I still love considering wearing it again... (stopped wearing it when I started relying on my HP for time...but find it troublesome having to korek HP everytime I want the time)...kinda lotsa scratches on it now...including the one I got on it when I crash-landing on the rough court playing Volley last time....hmm...the injury was minor compared to what i have now >.< ...lets say 10% of it...kekkeke.... And hoping the scar will go away b4 I go home next week....yeahhh...yeahhh......BIG FAT just hoping mum wun notice...HEY...REALLY....she didn't notice the blue-black bruise I sustained during my TKD training last time until a week later...when it got SO MUCH better'm hoping the same thing happening her....kekekke.... ...everytime I see my puppy's pic....I feel like wanna cuddle it SO MUCH.... >___< ...AAAAAAA....WHY SO CUTE LAA!! Mum and aunt suggesting some silly 'hair-raising' names...sis and bro suggesting MORE stupid hair-raising(and maybe falling off) names....Darling, Lady *shudders*, Ruby, Pochot (...dun ask me why)...ChotChot....AAAAAA.....2 weeks and THAT'S wat they can come up with?? (Suddenly thinks of "Pablo"...and laughs like hell) ...NO...will think of sumthing better...later...and NO kakashin...not 'Moving Carpet' ....not 'mop' either...tho it does act like one...kekkee... *Gets fic mood* ...dun read the following if you dun like fics....coz I write fics..and I've never wrote one in..2 months...a complete one at RP friend's not online....aaaahhh...the boredom...miss her...
//enter fic mode ---
S: *jumps on G on bed*
S: *laughs at G's expression*
G: know...I'll die like that one day...
S: I thought you're a tough guy *hugs*
G: Doesn't mean you can do that everytime you see me.
S: Awww....dun get mad...coz I wun say "I'm sorry"...coz I'm not... X3
G: You're not sorry eh??
S: *shakes head*
G: *Tickles S*
S: *Giggles and pushes G away*
G: *Holds on tight to S and tickles more*
S: *Can't take it anymore and hugs G tight to close up the distance so he can't ticle anymore*
G: I thought you said you weren't ticklish.
S: Only when I can control it...I don't need to now...*lies on his chest and nuzzles his neck*
---long silence---
G: Ne...I've been wondering for a while...
S: Hnnn??? *sleepy voice*
G: What...makes you like me so much???
---another long silence---
S: .....when I see your picture, it makes me smile, it makes me happy. When I hear your gives me sweet thoughts...when I think of you..I'll laugh to myself....
S: *gets up a lil and levels face with G*
S: And when I see makes me wanna hold your hand, touch your face, stroke that soft hair of yours, put my hand around your neck...*softens to a whisper* and pull you down to a drowning kiss...*kisses him*
---exits fic mode//
EEEEEEEEKKKKKK...SO LONG DIN WRITE DEE....NyahahHAHHAHAha.....gomen gomen if it makes your hair stand on it's end...I just wanna write it out... XP ...I DID warn....S and G?? could be a guy and a COULD also be a guy and another guy... XD ...most prolly the latter coz I write a lot of
Have been wondering for a while if the font's too small to read...but ahh....shud be fine..I hope XD
Tmr got Induction Programme written test....haven't finish reading thru...then 8-4 got some Club Organizational Programme by better be good....about 60-70% of the things they wanna teach us how to do, we already know how to do (according to cross-checking with MunMun)...thanks to our seniors who trained us last time ^^ ...domo arigato ne...
Lotsa new songs in my playlist today...which means comp whines even more....everytime I enter , my comp whines....coz that would mean at LEAST 150MB more 'junk' into's was about 350MB in total...nyaahaha BLEKKKK....WOKAY OKAY...dun get mad at me... *pats pats CPU* ...
Hmmm...among stashed items were GITS OST3 :3 ...YAY...glad that this one suits my taste too...a lil techno+...ermm...I dunno wat u call the genre...ahh...nvm. Conclusion: I like it :D
The thing WinAMP3 naik gila....hmm...I know, you guys would be saying "WATT?? What the hell are you still using WinAMP3 FOR???" ...I get a lot of that...I like has multiple playlist and I get to enqueue...and it doesn't lag so much compared to when I TRIED using WinAMP5...
...and I'm still using Win98 (*gets another "WHAT....." statement) ...ahh....I'll upgrade on my next reformat...
....oh WinAMP naik gila..happened b4..sumthing bout some dunno wat dll file kenot load and wtf else...basically had to uninstall and reinstall...resetting all EQ settings and skin settings and wtf else...and of course...all my playlist gone (I had 20-30 of them there... >___< ) lazy....just loaded my bulky Anime MP3 folder....and it's so junky.... :P....kekekeke.... Took out my old casio digital watch (it lags 5 mins a week) and wore it first 'own expense' stuff I bought back when I was Std 6...was very proud of it then...and still proud of it now ^__^ ...the only downside of this lil baby is the buttons kinda got etched and I can't press them properly...and yeah, it lags 5 mins/week. But I still love considering wearing it again... (stopped wearing it when I started relying on my HP for time...but find it troublesome having to korek HP everytime I want the time)...kinda lotsa scratches on it now...including the one I got on it when I crash-landing on the rough court playing Volley last time....hmm...the injury was minor compared to what i have now >.< ...lets say 10% of it...kekkeke.... And hoping the scar will go away b4 I go home next week....yeahhh...yeahhh......BIG FAT just hoping mum wun notice...HEY...REALLY....she didn't notice the blue-black bruise I sustained during my TKD training last time until a week later...when it got SO MUCH better'm hoping the same thing happening her....kekekke.... ...everytime I see my puppy's pic....I feel like wanna cuddle it SO MUCH.... >___< ...AAAAAAA....WHY SO CUTE LAA!! Mum and aunt suggesting some silly 'hair-raising' names...sis and bro suggesting MORE stupid hair-raising(and maybe falling off) names....Darling, Lady *shudders*, Ruby, Pochot (...dun ask me why)...ChotChot....AAAAAA.....2 weeks and THAT'S wat they can come up with?? (Suddenly thinks of "Pablo"...and laughs like hell) ...NO...will think of sumthing better...later...and NO kakashin...not 'Moving Carpet' ....not 'mop' either...tho it does act like one...kekkee... *Gets fic mood* ...dun read the following if you dun like fics....coz I write fics..and I've never wrote one in..2 months...a complete one at RP friend's not online....aaaahhh...the boredom...miss her...
//enter fic mode ---
S: *jumps on G on bed*
S: *laughs at G's expression*
G: know...I'll die like that one day...
S: I thought you're a tough guy *hugs*
G: Doesn't mean you can do that everytime you see me.
S: Awww....dun get mad...coz I wun say "I'm sorry"...coz I'm not... X3
G: You're not sorry eh??
S: *shakes head*
G: *Tickles S*
S: *Giggles and pushes G away*
G: *Holds on tight to S and tickles more*
S: *Can't take it anymore and hugs G tight to close up the distance so he can't ticle anymore*
G: I thought you said you weren't ticklish.
S: Only when I can control it...I don't need to now...*lies on his chest and nuzzles his neck*
---long silence---
G: Ne...I've been wondering for a while...
S: Hnnn??? *sleepy voice*
G: What...makes you like me so much???
---another long silence---
S: .....when I see your picture, it makes me smile, it makes me happy. When I hear your gives me sweet thoughts...when I think of you..I'll laugh to myself....
S: *gets up a lil and levels face with G*
S: And when I see makes me wanna hold your hand, touch your face, stroke that soft hair of yours, put my hand around your neck...*softens to a whisper* and pull you down to a drowning kiss...*kisses him*
---exits fic mode//
EEEEEEEEKKKKKK...SO LONG DIN WRITE DEE....NyahahHAHHAHAha.....gomen gomen if it makes your hair stand on it's end...I just wanna write it out... XP ...I DID warn....S and G?? could be a guy and a COULD also be a guy and another guy... XD ...most prolly the latter coz I write a lot of
July 21, 2005
'Bak chang' and Speed Grapher not watch Speed Grapher and eat 'bak chang' at the same's just.....bad..... -___-
went for 5pm class as usual today..sat in lecture hall and did my Jap class HW...then go tutorial....salin salin salin...straightaway followed by 3 freakin hours of Jap class....
Before jap class started, i quickly ran down to buy a can of Nescafe-regular with milk....not exactly my favourite but it's not like i have a choise to begin with... *sigh* ...will have to do (WHY dun they sell Mocha flavour???!!)
Ran back up to class...shook the can..and carefully open it....and sipppeedddd a mouthful of felt different!!...not like what I always as if it seeps into the bloodstreams!! O__O ...REALLY.....finished the whole can within an hour of the class (normally would have last longer)...then went down to buy another can during break... (now I'm beginning to sound like Edo and his coke)...the first time I've had 2 cans in a really kept me awake (enough) for Jap's lesson was much better for me compared to my many other lessons...ahhh....quite happy bout that....
After that...nothing unusual...the normz...nothing muchness....called home and had a very nice chat (me thinks my relationship with haha-ue really improved due to the problems I had during my campus transfer...they really cared so much for me and I was really touched...I think I loved them so much more after that incident....*misses them*
Oh....prolly u guys haven't seen this :D
ISN'T SHE CUTE???!!! Kawaii neee??!!! The lil Shitzu my bro and sis bought for the house...She hasn't got a name very much looking forward to go back and play with her during my hols.. :D More pics here
Hmmm....short one, as usual. That's how my blog's gonna be...not much planning....just whack out watever's in my head....I think I like it better this way... ^^;
Aiks...*hears sound of rain outside* ..another rainy day....*sigh* better not rain til 8am class... >___<>
went for 5pm class as usual today..sat in lecture hall and did my Jap class HW...then go tutorial....salin salin salin...straightaway followed by 3 freakin hours of Jap class....
Before jap class started, i quickly ran down to buy a can of Nescafe-regular with milk....not exactly my favourite but it's not like i have a choise to begin with... *sigh* ...will have to do (WHY dun they sell Mocha flavour???!!)
Ran back up to class...shook the can..and carefully open it....and sipppeedddd a mouthful of felt different!!...not like what I always as if it seeps into the bloodstreams!! O__O ...REALLY.....finished the whole can within an hour of the class (normally would have last longer)...then went down to buy another can during break... (now I'm beginning to sound like Edo and his coke)...the first time I've had 2 cans in a really kept me awake (enough) for Jap's lesson was much better for me compared to my many other lessons...ahhh....quite happy bout that....
After that...nothing unusual...the normz...nothing muchness....called home and had a very nice chat (me thinks my relationship with haha-ue really improved due to the problems I had during my campus transfer...they really cared so much for me and I was really touched...I think I loved them so much more after that incident....*misses them*
Oh....prolly u guys haven't seen this :D

Hmmm....short one, as usual. That's how my blog's gonna be...not much planning....just whack out watever's in my head....I think I like it better this way... ^^;
Aiks...*hears sound of rain outside* ..another rainy day....*sigh* better not rain til 8am class... >___<>
July 20, 2005
...what the heck was I doing??
...I seriously dunno...I always do this...spending my time on 'God knows what' i mean....well..maybe I spent one hour at my friend's place, leaching stuff from her and giving her some of my well as uploading some pics into EMiNA server since I can't do it at home...after munching (almost) a whole packet of keropok ikan i bought from hostel ground floor...and the banana(???) she gave me....i head back at 11...yep...that's what you do when you get yourself a dare to hangout much later at nite...and you come back late like no one's business....*sigh* ...imagine what would happen if I were to have a car??? (...WEEEEeeee....errr...hehehe... ^^; )
Currently listening to: HC-IIIX by Nakai Kazuya ... what the heck is this?? *shrugs*...prolly some voice recordings I got from Trinity Blood album....Tres' voice.... *melts* ....and the BG music totally hits me...
And YAY! Trinity Blood 10 released by Mahou!! :3 ...I thought I had to wait for another month for it!! Ahh..the love!
Currently listening to: Trinity Blood File#1 - Gunmetal Hound ... wats this one about??'s like those chinese drama my aunt used to listen to from the radioi while cooking last time...and oohh...those gunshot sounds!! ...just gives me a hardo- ...errr.. :P
Hmm...wat else was I doing earlier??...went out (ALONE!!! could you guys...) to get pricelist from some compshops for sumthing we wanted to get for the club...and others were I had to go alone...then went to do a lil shopping in the nearby grocery potato...bawang...flour (?????)'s for mash potatoes...and......aaaaa dunno wat else i have in my bag..didn't take out yet...
After that, cycled around deciding wat to eat for early dinner (like, 5.30pm?) and end up eating one of my fav hawker food in Malacca: MEE FUN KOO!!! was one of the things I missed when I thought I had to move to Cyber.. o__o;;; ...then..cycled back, and of course I had to pass that crazy junction (again) day I'll get myself killed trying to cross that crazy's just insanity!! *shivers* Ahhh...I'll just be very very careful then...
Got back, went upstairs, poke my comp around a bit...then slept awhile b4 my Engin Math class at 8...waa...sleeping so nicely and my alarm blared... -___- ....other classes maybe I would have tossed my HP into the dustbin...but nahh...not THIS crazy class with this CRAZY lecturer... baka next-room neighbour forgot to switch off the shared toilet lights again...jeezzz...
After class...hmm..that part you've read...kay, skip.
Came back...sit down...dunno wat i did...then edited some photos and sent to my friend to upload to server...and then sat down and edit EMiNA's website...put on some pics for Bon Odori..and sleepy..and lazy..and then started to write this blog....
...Ahhhhh...what a wonderful day...actually, it is. It rained early morning..and the weather was SOOOOO NICE!! *love*
...newaysss...gotta go zzZZzZzz dee...thanks to Redrum and Kakashin who visited my blog *hugs*
Sore ja, oyasuminasai...
Currently listening to: HC-IIIX by Nakai Kazuya ... what the heck is this?? *shrugs*...prolly some voice recordings I got from Trinity Blood album....Tres' voice.... *melts* ....and the BG music totally hits me...
And YAY! Trinity Blood 10 released by Mahou!! :3 ...I thought I had to wait for another month for it!! Ahh..the love!
Currently listening to: Trinity Blood File#1 - Gunmetal Hound ... wats this one about??'s like those chinese drama my aunt used to listen to from the radioi while cooking last time...and oohh...those gunshot sounds!! ...just gives me a hardo- ...errr.. :P
Hmm...wat else was I doing earlier??...went out (ALONE!!! could you guys...) to get pricelist from some compshops for sumthing we wanted to get for the club...and others were I had to go alone...then went to do a lil shopping in the nearby grocery potato...bawang...flour (?????)'s for mash potatoes...and......aaaaa dunno wat else i have in my bag..didn't take out yet...
After that, cycled around deciding wat to eat for early dinner (like, 5.30pm?) and end up eating one of my fav hawker food in Malacca: MEE FUN KOO!!! was one of the things I missed when I thought I had to move to Cyber.. o__o;;; ...then..cycled back, and of course I had to pass that crazy junction (again) day I'll get myself killed trying to cross that crazy's just insanity!! *shivers* Ahhh...I'll just be very very careful then...
Got back, went upstairs, poke my comp around a bit...then slept awhile b4 my Engin Math class at 8...waa...sleeping so nicely and my alarm blared... -___- ....other classes maybe I would have tossed my HP into the dustbin...but nahh...not THIS crazy class with this CRAZY lecturer... baka next-room neighbour forgot to switch off the shared toilet lights again...jeezzz...
After class...hmm..that part you've read...kay, skip.
Came back...sit down...dunno wat i did...then edited some photos and sent to my friend to upload to server...and then sat down and edit EMiNA's website...put on some pics for Bon Odori..and sleepy..and lazy..and then started to write this blog....
...Ahhhhh...what a wonderful day...actually, it is. It rained early morning..and the weather was SOOOOO NICE!! *love*
...newaysss...gotta go zzZZzZzz dee...thanks to Redrum and Kakashin who visited my blog *hugs*
Sore ja, oyasuminasai...
July 18, 2005
Nice, simple day.
Woke up at 10 sumthing....nuzzled in bed...and it was sooooo lovely, as usual. I's just so friggin lovely. I can stay there all day if time stops...and the sun dun peek thru my curtains.
*reminds self to make new curtain during hols and toss away the makeshift curtain* I shud take a pic of my window now and show to u has big piece of green....thing covering the whole big piece of window area....ugly green thing....yep, one might be reminded of the one from MMU Mlk Hostel last time ( didn't climb up there and pluck it off from there...)...but hell, it saves me from mosquitoes from hell..and that's all that matters...nyahahaha.....and oh. On top of that, a piece of maroon coloured cloth (used to use that to cover my comp set at home) which barely covers the whole window. That's my....window. And oh, i just changed my bedsheet's a birthday gift from my sister!! *love* ...and of course...washed the other bedsheet and my clothes...was like a laundry spree today...kekeke...
And oh...watched Full Metal Panic: The First Raid was nice!! Same good old stuff with more explosive power and new stuff...but the baka fansub groups I got my first file from, caused my comp's codecs to go hay-wire....omedetou...they're 'great'....(duh) ....wasted my B/W...and caused me xtra time to download another version of that episode...but...I'm satisfied :D
...nyaahhh.....haven't finished the masterplan STAD asked for...MunMun's gonna kill me tmr if I fall asleep now....*goes make coffee* ....but then again, I think caffein lost it's effects on me long ago... *sigh* . Thank goodness for 12pm computer tutorial session tmr....can slack off...nyahaha....
Wat else I did today??...saa....but I felt that it was a good day...nice one...
....still lazy to blog bout y'day...but I really REALLY REALLY enjoyed it....tho I'd say the event itself wasn't really much..but I really had a great time with all my friends. I hope we can do it again sometime :)
Hmmm...I shud go now...else the bed will seduce me again...XD
Laters ;)
*reminds self to make new curtain during hols and toss away the makeshift curtain* I shud take a pic of my window now and show to u has big piece of green....thing covering the whole big piece of window area....ugly green thing....yep, one might be reminded of the one from MMU Mlk Hostel last time ( didn't climb up there and pluck it off from there...)...but hell, it saves me from mosquitoes from hell..and that's all that matters...nyahahaha.....and oh. On top of that, a piece of maroon coloured cloth (used to use that to cover my comp set at home) which barely covers the whole window. That's my....window. And oh, i just changed my bedsheet's a birthday gift from my sister!! *love* ...and of course...washed the other bedsheet and my clothes...was like a laundry spree today...kekeke...
And oh...watched Full Metal Panic: The First Raid was nice!! Same good old stuff with more explosive power and new stuff...but the baka fansub groups I got my first file from, caused my comp's codecs to go hay-wire....omedetou...they're 'great'....(duh) ....wasted my B/W...and caused me xtra time to download another version of that episode...but...I'm satisfied :D
...nyaahhh.....haven't finished the masterplan STAD asked for...MunMun's gonna kill me tmr if I fall asleep now....*goes make coffee* ....but then again, I think caffein lost it's effects on me long ago... *sigh* . Thank goodness for 12pm computer tutorial session tmr....can slack off...nyahaha....
Wat else I did today??...saa....but I felt that it was a good day...nice one...
....still lazy to blog bout y'day...but I really REALLY REALLY enjoyed it....tho I'd say the event itself wasn't really much..but I really had a great time with all my friends. I hope we can do it again sometime :)
Hmmm...I shud go now...else the bed will seduce me again...XD
Laters ;)
July 15, 2005
Me?? Blogging???
So much shit happened lately I thought I just wanna write out these random crap.... much for today..I'm feeling sleepy already...
Bon odori tmr....see you guys there...ppl BETTER not spoil my trip...I'm gonna lash at whichever idiot who does so... much for today..I'm feeling sleepy already...
Bon odori tmr....see you guys there...ppl BETTER not spoil my trip...I'm gonna lash at whichever idiot who does so...
You can reach me at my email or Facebook or just leave a comment anywhere in this blog.
About Me
Hey guys :D
I'm Kristine Tang, and I've started blogging since 2005. I'm from Kedah, currently staying in Melaka. An engineering student (soon to be graduate ^^;) but for some reason have no passion on pursuing a career in the engineering field. Have yet to make up my mind on what to do in the future, but I guess I'll take some time to test new waters and have some fun while working in various new places first.
I have a deep passion in cooking (which makes me wonder why I never go to a culinary school to begin with). Since I stay outside campus in a rented house with functional kitchen, I get to cook a lot. It does help when your significant other happily volunteers to be your guinea pig ;P . Usually cook Chinese dishes for meals (but they're not exactly the very authentic ones since I use a lot of pre-made sauces) but what I really enjoy cooking is western dishes. Roast chicken, pan-fried/grill chicken, fish chips, wellington, spaghetti, pies, baked macaroni, just to name a few.
When I'm out and about, I like to snap pics to stash into my collection as well as my blog. Photography is another skill I'd like to pick up. Currently can't afford any DSLR yet, but I daresay my Olympus SP510UZ coupled with Photoshop CS3 can produce better pictures than a lot of those people who own a DSLR and don't learn to fully utilize the powerful tools they have at hand. One of these days...ah we'll see. There's 1001 things I'd wanna get before I get myself a bulky camera and not having time to fool around with it.
All pictures on this blog are taken by me (unless stated otherwise) so please don't simply take them and use it for your own use. If you really want to, drop me an email and let me know first.
Enough about me, or my readers will fall asleep. LOL. Hope you'll enjoy your stay here ;)
I'm Kristine Tang, and I've started blogging since 2005. I'm from Kedah, currently staying in Melaka. An engineering student (soon to be graduate ^^;) but for some reason have no passion on pursuing a career in the engineering field. Have yet to make up my mind on what to do in the future, but I guess I'll take some time to test new waters and have some fun while working in various new places first.
I have a deep passion in cooking (which makes me wonder why I never go to a culinary school to begin with). Since I stay outside campus in a rented house with functional kitchen, I get to cook a lot. It does help when your significant other happily volunteers to be your guinea pig ;P . Usually cook Chinese dishes for meals (but they're not exactly the very authentic ones since I use a lot of pre-made sauces) but what I really enjoy cooking is western dishes. Roast chicken, pan-fried/grill chicken, fish chips, wellington, spaghetti, pies, baked macaroni, just to name a few.
When I'm out and about, I like to snap pics to stash into my collection as well as my blog. Photography is another skill I'd like to pick up. Currently can't afford any DSLR yet, but I daresay my Olympus SP510UZ coupled with Photoshop CS3 can produce better pictures than a lot of those people who own a DSLR and don't learn to fully utilize the powerful tools they have at hand. One of these days...ah we'll see. There's 1001 things I'd wanna get before I get myself a bulky camera and not having time to fool around with it.
All pictures on this blog are taken by me (unless stated otherwise) so please don't simply take them and use it for your own use. If you really want to, drop me an email and let me know first.
Enough about me, or my readers will fall asleep. LOL. Hope you'll enjoy your stay here ;)
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