I've always like it during the Mooncake Festival. What's there not to like? Delicious mooncake to eat (free, of course, since parent's buy and gifts from relatives), nice mooncake boxes for collection (haha!) and nice pretty lanterns to play with!
I remember when I was a kid, dad would bring us to buy lanterns sometimes. I got myself a teddy-bear shaped one one of those years. Love it to bits! It MIGHT just still be around...LOL. I also remember the ones my eldest aunt would make out of plastic containers from mooncake boxes. They were really nice and colorful. I had one of those too. I think those might not have survived the wear and tear till today... :(
As I grew older, my choice of lantern grew very much simpler. Today, my favourite type of lantern design is still the paper lanterns that are usually sold 5 per packet. Not only are they cheap, but they're awfully cheerful and bright when you light a bunch of them up and hang all around the compound! Sitting on the straw mat in front of the porch, it was such a beautiful sight, I wish the night had lasted just a lil longer.
One year, my aunt and I decided to hang a bunch of these lanterns along our clothes line in front of the porch. We also took out all those tiny used birthday candles (there was a whole bundle of them in the drawer), line them up on the rambutan tree and on the cement ground, and light them all up. It was sooooooo nice! We enjoyed ourselves so much that we forgot to watch over the candles on the paper lanterns. As a result, one of them caught fire and got burnt to ashes. LOL!
After that incident, it kinda made me think of a way to make the damned candles in those paper lanterns last longer and safer for burning. I added 2 strips of wires to each lantern's candle base, and made them hold tea light candles instead. That way, not only will the damn candles burn longer, it will also avoid cases of burnt paper lanterns! I also made small long hooks to hang the lanterns on the But of course, it sucks when the tea lights spill and you have wax all over the place :P.

Self modified lanterns :P
Come to think of it, haven't really had the chance to play lanterns this year. What with exams left right and center....meh. We DID hang out with some of Yii's friends the other day. Fit 7 people in a 7 seater to go dinner in Ayer Keroh Heights. (LOL it really has been awhile since we packed so many people in a single car)...in a way it was kinda fun! haha! Everyone got to chat with each other, unlike if we were to split into 2 cars. Dinner was okay I guess. The marmite chicken was really nice but the portion was just so sad. Aih. Thankfully I know how to make my own marmite chicken ;P
Mmm....maybe one of these days...walk to that nearby biscuit maker shop near Infasha area, and check out if they still have one of those mini mooncakes. Remember the ones there being quite decent, last time I bought from there. Oooo speaking of mini mooncakes, must remember ask my aunt to ask dad to buy some of those mini red-bean filled mini mini mooncakes. The ones at home are the best!
Mmmm..ran out of things to share about my Mooncake Festival celebrations...enjoy some pics of tanglungs I took last year ;P

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