It's been awhile since QJ and I had the time (nor money) to go gallavanting carelessly in KL....since he was slightly 'up' in the finance department lately, we decided to go jalan jalan in KL for a one day trip.
Thanks to my 'bleh' FYP, as well as some random assignment tasks tossed at me last minute (not to mention 'assignment' by my bro to do some major alterations to some pics of his youngest girl =,= ) .....ended up not sleeping the night before. By the time I was done with all my work, it was already 6am. Ended up doing some random stuff till 7am, woke QJ up...and went dimsum with Yeap at 8. We were kinda behind schedule...but managed to get on a 10am bus...reaching KL around it wasn't too late. Went Times Square...the boys burnt RM14 playing Razing Storm...this new arcade shooting game (prolly not so new la but heh...its been ages since we went there)..."Shoot like crazy...smash and destroy" was the tagline they wrote under the name on the machine's label...and well...they live up to it. I just need to keep your fingers on the trigger...swing your gun around....and'll turn the place to dust! There was one scenario where the enemy AI was on the upper floor....the boys just shoot the flooring and the bullets managed to hack off a huge chunk of cement! Swt....wat kinda bullets they use la... :P ...what's cool was that the environment was very interactable. If you see a car/barrel...shoot it cuz it'll explode and practicaly wipe out enemies in that area. What's funny tho, is that in certain scenes...enemies come at you with their guns raised in the air...i/o pointing at you...they look like some dancing/protesting mobs instead of some guerillas... kekeke....some parts of the game enables the guys to use rocket launches to kill the bosses....but in between the scenes where the guys are chasing the boss/running away from the boss...they get to use the rocket launchers on human enemies too...which is...well....kind of an overkill ^^; tho...even just watching them.
Went ronda ronda a few anime/figurine shops, Borders, then had lunch at Papa John's Pizza. One of the things QJ and I dread bout going to Times Square is the lack of food choice the place has. Same goes to Sungei Wang and Low Yat...if we want some good food, it'll have to be in Pavillion...heh...there too much choice pulak :P . So the night before, I did a search on Google for some suggestions of what to have in BTS....and found Papa John's. Was kinda worried since I've read mixed reviews on that place...but decided to give it a try anyway...since it was the only way to find out if it was good....

Turns out pretty good :D ...its not ZOMG AWESOME pizza (QJ and Yeap could not stop raving about the pork pizza they had while they were in Thailand...Yii even swore off all other pizzas in Malaysia after he had that....but oh come can you beat pork on pizza ?? >.< )

....the ambiance in the place gives a warm comfortable glow...altho I have to say their table's a tad bit too small...we had to struggle to fit all the food we had on our table...not to say we ordered a lot oso ...we decided to go for their Merdeka specials...since it was the cheapest one with decent portion of pizza...RM49.90, comes with 2 9" pizza, one of them is their merdeka special pizza...some local flavour...grilled chicken with sambal sauce....YES sambal sauce!...I had to admit I was a bit intimidated to try that flavour at first..but it actually turned out nice. The sambal smell wasn't very overpowering and the pizza was actually tasty...but it could definately do without the red chillis...pedas x.x ...the other one we had was Chicken Super Papa's...which I liked.

Other side dishes that came with the set was a plate of very delicious pasta bolognese...

...and a snack platter that had 2 chicken wings, some potato wedges..and a few pieces of very sorry looking onion rings. its of us had already 'attacked' the onion rings but still!!!
Seriously...I mean...come on! It looked so pathethic! Supermarket frozen ones can do better than that. And look what they had on the advertisement!

Look at how fat it is in there!
Feels cheated. But only that tho....everything else was good. also came with 4 glasses of ice lemon tea.

So yeah...RM49.90...about RM54 after tax...for a meal that's suited for 4 people (we were stuffed x.x )...its pretty cheap. Definately beats Pizza Hut and maybe on par with Dominos...maybe. I haven't had enough of Dominos to remember :P
We finished off our lunches, and headed to Sungei Wang and Low Yat to check out their 'otaku-stash' offerings. To our surprise...many shops have either closed down...or became rather 'lame'. The level of otaku-ness in these areas have certainly dropped substantially since our last visit here ^^; ...well not that it really bothers me cuz watever anime-related stuff I'd want nowadays...I can find them off the net ;P ...went to get a new switch (cuz ours got fried) from Low Yat before heading to KLCC.
Needless to say, it was worlds apart, Sungei Wang/Low Yat/BTS and KLCC...
We went straight to Kino's Japanese section...or at least where it used to be :P ...its been so long since QJ and I paid a visit there that...they are no longer inside Isetan...instead, they've moved into Kino's main branch upstairs. Yeap had a field day there...he spent a fortune there while the both of us were browsing thru some stuff (wheeee finally read Saiyuki Gaiden Vol 4...eventho its in Jap and guh so hard to read...but my gawd these are so hard to find! >.< )...since Yeap was busy with his shopping spree, QJ and I decided to go for a cup of overpriced but very very fragrant coffee at Kino's coffee club. Aih the price we pay for drinks these days...
After he was done, we head down for dinner. Well since we had lunch quite late that day...we weren't really that hungry yet but its so rare for me and QJ to go KLCC...and I've been wanting to drag him to Santini since last year when I went there with sis and Ken. Got there, ordered my meal...and went off with my tripod (berat babi but gah...I wanted to take a night shot of KLCC twin tower) and camera to shoot these:

Yeah almost same shot..just slightly different angle but heck...dun care. So much trouble to shoot these pictures so I'm gonna spam a bit! :P Carrying the damned tripod all the way there..was definately worth it. Of course I could just use some makeshift tripod out of...stuff I can get there but didn't wanna chance it since I hardly get time to just linger off KLCC and snap this shot..the timing was just too nice (altho I had to rush a bit and would have preferred to just took my time and take a few more angles and what not)...while taking these pics...some...foreigner guy came to me and kacau..."Your pics are nice" la (ei my camera was so bloody close the the floor how the hell did you see my photos when the display was angled towards the floor?) ..."are you local" la..."you look nice" bugger..fuck off la. =,= ...I hate it when these foreigners come to my country and behave like this...
Went back to join the guys...the drinks have arrived....damn bloody expensive but so goddamned bloody nice. The best overpriced drinks I've ever had! LOL!

Green Temple mocktail - Green apple, sprite, vanilla ice cream...
...I shall attempt this one day...

Iced mocha or sumthing damned chocolaty and rich..QJ got full just by drinking this alone :P
Food arrived after awhile...Yeap ordered Grilled Chicken breast ...and got the most impressive plated dish we've ever seen with our own eyes (after watching so many of those in Hell's Kitchen..haha!) was sooo so nicely plated...he was almost reluctant to eat it. I stole the brinjals (cuz Yeap wasn't a fan of veges :P )...and gawd..they were good.

I decided to share a Carbonara with QJ...since he wasn't hungry yet. It was delicious, but QJ would have liked it better if the pasta was not so tangy...

Overall, I felt the price of the meals were okay for the standards (Yeap's was about RM20sumthing...mine was RM19)...but the drinks were a killer..and so was the tax. 4 drinks (Yeap had 2..hahaha), and 2 dishes came to almost RM100...compared to lunch...this is definitely "Ouch!" ...but I think I'd wanna come back here again...maybe go cheapskate and order cheaper drinks or sumthing... ;P ...QJ would say "You masak jer la" ...hahaha...ah one day I'll learn to cook as skillful as these l.... tee hee....
Finished our meal and we headed back to Pudu to catch a bus back Melaka. It was a brand new bus...and what's was also the first time that I've sat in a NGV-powered vehicle...not just any vehicle...a NGV-powered bus! Waaaaa....they power busses too?!!...and as if the thought of riding a NGV-powered bus isn't scary enough for me...the driver had to go refill the gas. Gehhh.....but at least we got to see how much the bus takes (full tank for the bus was about 130 litres..I think) ...was so tired and burnt out...I just fainted on the bus :P ....thank god Yeap drove us to Sentral so his car was just parked there whole day so we could head back straight the moment we got to Sentral. Pasar Ramadhan area was soooo lively this time (didn't remember it being like dat last year) looks as if they've converted the whole area to become a pasar malam...but we were just too tired to go check it out.
As if we haven't splurged enough the day before...we decided to go catch "Up" today....and then have Pak Putra for dinner....well at least I managed to get some grocery shopping in so...we'll be camping in for the next couple of days :P ...hee!
p/s: Selamat Hari Merdeka btw...altho this hardly feels like anything at all...such shame ^^;