The serious shot...

...then the crazy/fun/casual shot...

...then the other crazy/fun/casual shot...

...which got crazier...

...and CRAZIER (notice Navin already making the first attempt at stabbing the director)...

It was all fun and stuff :D

...and then it happened.

People from the back started tumbling down...

Some even decided to just jump off the stage to join in the fun...

Edo: pinned

Navin jumps to his Director's rescue!
(either that or he was trying to stab him while he's being pinned down :P )
Don't worry. The guy's still alive and kicking :P
Edo: "i nearly lost my left leg"

Edo - molested. Too bad 80-90% of them are guys eh? LOL

The GACC Committee - "Thank you for coming!"
p/s: As stated, images are from Edo's camera.
pp/s: resized to 500px. Any wider and it'll crash my blog's template border...bleh. I should edit it some day. Default 400 is just too freakin small
I think it was more of Navin was trying to assassinate the director rather than save. XD
The committees were wild and fun, so really kudos to them.
I really like that pic you took of edo trying to crawl out from the pile of body-masses on him :P ...the angle's just perfect
Haha, I guess I got lucky. :P They all asyik rush to the camera. ^^; I want to snap everyone, but the HYPER peeps asyik masuk. XD
Aa aa...I crop the pic...nampak lebih focused ;P
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