December 21, 2010

Christmas at Mid Valley Megamall 2010

Mid Valley Megamall has always had the luxury of space (and perhaps budget) to come out with extravagant decorations. My most favourite decorations were from Mid Valley's work of art back in 2006 (which, shame to say, I have yet to post in my blog, and will do so right after this :P )

This year's theme was 'toys' - toy soldiers, dolls, ballerinas, plushies and bears..huge ones! Nieces would have a field day there (and we would need a leash to not lose them)

That dog, would probably take up 1/2 of my queen size bed.

...and would probably cover the whole of me if it was to be plonked onto me on the bed.

Berry nais to meetchiu!

Dog says :P

It would have certainly paid to have gone there earlier to get good shots as there were people EVERYWHERE. Some annoying idiots would take picture from 10 feet away and expect you to know that they're taking pictures, when you can't even see the damn cameraman. They they take soooooo long cuz people (especially kids) keep walking in front of them not knowing that those bozos were taking (forever to take) pictures!

Niece would have loved this one :P

I like this :)

Body Shop's 'Joy' counter

L'Occitane's counter.

South Court. I think I didn't bother with North Court.


Well...I guess this would do :P 

Gifts by Hallmark

My Dearie tired after a whole (two) days of driving me around and shopping! :3

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