Picture quality is 'so-so' (especially the night scenes in The Curve) since they're taken with my Nokia 6300 with 2megapixels because my Olympus is with QJ in Ipoh reporting for Magic: the Gathering PTQ Kyoto. Read his report here: http://magicmalaysia.blogspot.com/ (yes I'm pimping...not that it really needs much pimping these days :P )
Part 1, and I don't know if there will be Part 2 or more. Not sure when's the next time I'll be going to the mall since I'm going back SP this weekend...prolly the week after that...may be able to peek at MV and/or 1U. Hope to see Pavillion this year, since last year was sooooo nice! (EH OMFG I DIN POST MY PICS LAST YEAR? WTF MANN!!!)
We'll see ;)
Enuff talk. Now with the pictures!

Concourse of Sunway Piramid, new wing.

Dangling deco with running LED lights :D

Sunway Piramid, Old Wing. I love this so much more.

Chandelier on top of the deco.

This tree is SO RED! Near the ice skating ring of Sunway Piramid

Concourse of The Curve

Mah sis :D

Elves and raindeer on top of chimney~

Pavement to the flea market area of The Curve

Walkway of The Curve's flea market

mmm...warm...it looks so much nicer than in this pic... ^^;

The walkway between The Curve and Cineleisure.
This one is REALLY NICE! Best deco I've seen so far, IMO

SLIGHTLY different angle...:P

Blur...blek ...keke..

View of the whole flea market walkway
That's is for now. I need sleep. x.x Nites all :D
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