QJ asked me to ask ppl to try guess what my photography subject would be this time...and he said that 10/10 ppl would not guess that I would be taking pictures of these figures... :P
My friend, Yeap, came over today to play some Magic: the Gathering with QJ and Yii...so he brought a few of these figures over....and I was bored...so...I decided to play with it a bit :P
I asked him if it would break easily...(been watching Genshiken lately and the episode with Gundam 'plamo' that's so....fragile >.< )..and he chuckled saying "Its built for kids...they have to make it less fragile" ...haha...so true :P

This is my favourite shot. I know its much bigger than my default picture width of 400px, but when I resized it to 400...it looks like shit...Shot using manual focus...it turned out much better than I expected it... :D

His 'back' looks so freakin elaborate.

My niece would say "Big red truck" :P

Somehow I felt obliged to post this pic of Optimus' ...butt...LOL

The twins

How did I miss this post ! Nice pictures ! :D
Next, wanna snap figurine pictures ? :P
Yours?....taknak...they mostly contain ahem ahem elements wan XP
Hmmm...not entirely true, although most of it are the *ahem**ahem*. :P
I got like Fate Zero set, Ryogi Shiki, and a few others that are perfectly fine. :D
'Fine'...lol ;P ..just teasing you ;D
Shooting figures and figurines are not...something I have deep passion for...its just sumthing I like to try out if...its right in front of me (for my disposal..muahaha) ....yang ni pun aku kapit jer kertas A4 putih kat file as background :P ...not a proper setup like yours...which I think is really nie :D
But hey, i think the pictures really turned out very well. My setup pun bukannyer proper sgt, just simple like yours, though i have 3 lights and yea, a bit more than that. :P
Having 3 lights for your setup and say 'bukannyer proper sgt' ? ...LOL...aku berharap fluorescent lights aje ari tu...my background is my plastic file yang tengah nak mampus i wanna get it to stand properly yang dikelip A4 paper (which happens to be some survey question papers lying around)....ROFL...
So yeah...I think your setup...is awesome :P
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