Anyways, we were supposed to meet up at 6, but delays here and there, we set off to Klebang only around 6.20pm. We were supposed to film a sunset scene so it was one hell of a race against time to get there before the sun sets. Dah la the road there damn gila tak pasal and traffic was blek as it was after office hour...never mind all that...we got there in the nick of time and manage to get our videos shot.
After wrapping up the 'official' work...I took my camera back and played around with my first (I think) 'sunset at the beach' shot. Could have had better shots if it was earlier but....will have to make do with what's left XP

Mah groupmates

One of my favourite shots :D

Another one of my fav shots...almost the same la :P

My groupmates :D
Really nice pictures, but mana org yg ambik gambar nie !? XD
Belakang camera la! Hahahaha
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