These pics were taken way back in 2007. Went thru my stash of pics and saw these...found them quite cute and funny so I'm gonna post it here ;P
Was one of those days at home with nothing better to do, when I noticed aunt was giving Fifi a haircut. Judging by the growly sounds the furball was making, she wasn't too pleased with it...kekeke..

Notice how she always tries to get her teeth on the toothbrush/scissors whenever they get near to her

Think this is the sharpest pic I've got in this batch.
The rest are blurred cuz I'm either laughing too hard while trying to focus, or the damn dog moves too fast to catch a nice shot :P

Muka bodoh

*snaps!* GGRRRRRrrrrrrr...

Everytime aunt gives her a haircut...its like a standoff: Aunt vs Fifi
Hmm...looks the same too me.
Ah...after a while finally see the furball again. XP That's what she looks like now..haha..
Last time always kena trim pasal she had fungal dah ok dah ;P
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