To make up for the lack of pic in this post...I'm gonna post some OOT pic of some Korean meal we had last week when Shindee was around. Been ages since I went to Tok Su Gong..and its as good as ever.

The usual side-dishes. Lovely variation.

I dunno wat to call this. Taste a bit like steamed eggs, but cooked in earthernware.

BBQ Pork Ribs

The delicious kimchi soup with sausages and luncheon meat and noodles.
Extremely overpriced. I made this once. Cost less than RM15.

Happy and stuffed =3 ...we were all looking like dat.

That would be Shindee, interpreting the Korean news for us. .../facepalm
So anyways...all the food aside (its making me hungry). What was I busy with? My FYP report ler. Damn thing...40+pages of random ramblings..and another 40 pages just codes. Codes look horrible in Times New Roman. Period. Was gonna shrink them to size 6 or 7, shrink the paragraph spacing, then use some sans-serif fonts like Calibri or sumthing that looks nicer in a pile of junk codes...but noooo...Appendices have to be in Times New Roman, Size 10. =.= Looks horrible. Anyways...that's done. All that's left is the presentation, final report....also my 1 more assignment..then finals. Ugh. Ah least I get to breath for awhile now.
What else have I been up to? I mentioned last week, I had to go beach training at Tanjung Bidara today, with the taekwondo club and cocu students. Waking up was surprisingly easy, well no thanks to my stupidly abnormal sleeping habit these days (I sleep twice a day now. 3-4 hours each. I wake up at 6-7am and I cant I stay up...then I get all sleepy and drowsy at noon.) ....having your body practically coated in sand is....unpleasant. Not being able to just jump into the water after the training was kinda disappointing (sir said, "Next time la we play water" WHY!?)...50cents paid to shower after the training was probably the best 50cents I've ever spent. The scenery was great....shame I dare not bring my cam since I wasn't gonna be watching my bag all the time. The training was great tho. Wish I had a better partner.
Can't wait for tmr (errr..tonight). GACC09's appreciation buffet dinner at Seoul Garden. Ahhhhh the last time I went there was GACC08's appreciation..was it? Hahaha! Free meal, is awesome as always.
1 comment:
Eh ! Mana boleh nie ! Cheat nie ! You pun kena post about the GACC yumcha ! D:
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