And why the HELL all of a sudden I feel like eating some roast chicken with gravy? Kenny Rogers anyone? I dunno..maybe not just roast chicken. Just...chicken!! The one in the soup that I love so much, maybe the steamed herbal one my aunt's so good at making...or KFC??...or that special thing my friend gave me a treat at Amigos...or just...ANYTHING...damn. I miss home food I guess..wonder if my friend is around this weekend. Might wanna drop in if she's free...hope her mum's cooking :3 ...and sudden crave for asparagus goreng sambal belacan too...and prawns...I'm SO DARN famished of sea-food. *thinks of Umbai seafood* ...damn I need a car...
I'm being random here... *sigh* ...
..damn. The bell's ringing again. Been ringing for the past 15 mins... *shakesfist*
*stares at PEM1016 notes* ..I CAN'T READ!!!!!
...Damn I need food.
Had quite a nice Merdeka (as well as the day before it)...will post bout it soon, I guess... :) more thing..... Kid, this one's for you...kekeke..

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