I groaned and whined that I had to wake up early Saturday morning (had to wake up early last week cuz we went KL - end up didn't sleep, had to wake up early today for CyberP Business Plan competition presentation - end up didn't sleep either, have to wake up early next Saturday for TKD beach training...wtf gimme back my saturdays!)...meh that the lecturer's making us attend SIFE and her event by enforcing a 80% group member attendance to secure 10 points for her subject....never knowing that my group was participating for the competition. I thought the competition was 'whoever who wanna join, can join' thing...and not by selection of top 10 business proposals submitted. We were only told that we were in contention like...the day before the event? So the core members of my team quickly whipped out a simple presentation and presented our product today.

The last group presenting. There was about 200-300 audience
thanks to my lecturer forcing us all to go for the sake of coursework points.. :P
When the competition began, I thought that it'd be rather tough competition amongst all of us since other groups have rather refreshing idea too...and their presentation was quite good too....but some group's idea was plain...boring. It's not new...its even already existing in Malaysia so I dunno why they even qualify...w/e la...
Soon it was our turn to present our product and proposal/presentation....
...and the judges loved it!
From the questions they asked us during the Q&A question, as well as the way they had asked it (they weren't just asking questions just for the sake of 'tembak'-ing our proposal...as was seen with other teams)....really showed that they had genuine interest in our product and that it actually had lotsa potentials in their eyes. It was then that I was more convinced that...we can do it after all!
Soon all 7 consolation prizes were given out. 3 more were given to creative ideas by other students who did not make it to the top 10 (prolly proposal not as detailed or sumthing)...and so it was left with the final 3. At this point, its for sure that we'll each walk back with at LEAST RM50 in hand. When they announced the 3rd place, and it wasn't us...we all went "Yes!" ...damn jahat rite? XD
When it was finally time to announce first place....we were all damn jumpy and excited cuz somehow we knew it could just be us. *drumrolls* (no really....the students drummed the tables)...and my lecturer went "You remember the group who brought a little small bottle for their presentation?" ...and we just started cheering loudly. omg omg omg we really did win RM1000. We laughed at our friend cuz he had already began calculating how much each of us would get if we won RM1000/700/500 before the event even began...cuz there was 9 of us...lol. So we decided to give RM100 each, presenters get more (which I totally don't mind cuz...we didn't do a thing for the presentation).
"Shit la give us this damn big thing for wat? Wat're we gonna do with it la?"
"Sleep on it la...jadi tikar"
So there. It all began with me registering for CyberP under FBL's group...and registering late/skipping first week which means...I didn't have a group till week 2....and these fellas approached me and another girl (cuz they only had 4 in a group then) to join them.....and somehow we just worked well together...eventho I never knew them. Our team won fastest team to finish the Entrepreneur boardgame-thingy we were forced to play...and won the business plan competition. Gotta admire the enthusiasm of my fellow junior groupmates la cuz they rock! I'm so lucky to be a part of awesome groups for both my CyberP and Moral....eventho they're all juniors and are people whom I barely know before I joined them. Glad that I had been able to mix well with them too. :)
There's only 2..very bad quality pics in this post cuz...I didn't bother to pack in my camera...and other pics are with my groupmates.
We had GACC's thought sharing thingy later that day....so I ended up in my semi-formal attire from 8am till..12midnight that day. Urk >.< ...I'll save that for another post another day. Gotta get back to my FYP report for now...since I didn't have a chance to work on it at all today :P