Why exactly? Cuz I dun feel like listening to the same (two) episodes replaying again and again and again whenever my niece refuse to eat her meals. My aunt/sis-in-law plays those videos to distract her and make life easier feeding her her nestum/porridge but problem is, they don't really buy many episodes so we're stuck with 2 episodes of Barney and Friends (one circus exercise and one numbers on a clock/storytime one...SEE?? I REMEMBERED!! URGH), 1 episode of 'Wheels on the Bus' (free VCD from Anmum) and....uhh...cant remember. Prolly just those.
....and why the HECK is every episode of Barney I see in isohunt so HUGE! They're at least 4GB per episode! Haven't they heard of video compression? Geh.....
....I have a feeling I'm just gonna be stuck with the same few shows this time around.
Oh...here's a pic. Guess which one is my port?

p/s: My niece stops crying, grins and smiles widely when she sees her Barney toy my bro bought for her....and I always thought he was kinda scary...being purple and all...
Since you asked
Its the port with the duck tape!
Nyahahahaha... /laughs maniacally (...i blame the heat...gila dee)
Hey ! Barney is not scary ! :P
When I was small, I kinda like Barney. Gets kinda repetitive with the I luv u, u luv me song, but its nice ! Better than telitubies...Meh, maybe coz I liked most puppet shows ( Sesame Street, piko2 pong2 ). XD
Barney's a pedophile, didn't you know? :o
kiddokun: I dunno...he's...purple and hyperactive? kekekeke...and yes that song's really drills itself into the head..I didn't really like the puppet parts of Sesame Street...IIRC I liked every other part BUT the puppet parts of Sesame Street...awfully weird huh? Piko piko pong pong...LOL...I dunno why but I remember having a fetish over it as a kid.
Tellitubies ROFL!!!
Yuhi: ...lol! Well....what can you say when that purple dinasour doesn't seem to grow old (or bigger) when all the other kids have already grown up and moved on?
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