Moving and Digicams and stuff...bleh......
1. Not moving blog. Too lazy. Blog STILL looks like shit on ie...and it's still messy i guess I'm chainging my template....soon...i hope.....
2. Digicam....STILL gonna get one...but prolly not a simple point-and-shoot like IXUS60/65 anymore.....I'm going on the range of Olympus...sumthing liek my sister's (I dunno model number XP ) ...but dat damn beauty...can have super-macro mode....which can take pics of my garden flowers and turn them into such beauty like these!! See the richness of the colour and the focus/blur effect!!...Gawdddd....I was SIMPLY IN LOVE with dat damn thing...powerful zoom too...10X optical eventho dat thing is kinda bulky....I think for about's kinda...worth it......

3. I'm still missing you, dear. *hugsanddunwannaletgo* *cuddles*
4. Fifi STILL looks damn blardy cute..kekeke...

DESHO??? XD XD darling li baby *muaks!!*
...ahh...ngantuks ler....shud really get some sleep liao..kekeke....
p/s: *steals a kiss from QJ* XD XD
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