Today...after Circuit paper, Dex, Lisa, Yining and myself went Jusco and have lunch. Went Popular bought a few stuff...and then proceed to KFC...which sucks...quality control is...urgh....
After that went in Jusco supermarket and bought a few japanese cooking bring back home and cook...nyahahaha......
After that, we went back home and sorta cooled off a bit. Dex was staying with us these few days as we were having 'marathon studying' he just sat down and read his manga that he just bought, Lisa was either busy with her comp...or zzz'ing'...I went do my laundry and sweep my room. Too much laundry to delay and no mood to study for tmr's paper...yet.....
While waiting for laundry, I sat down and enjoyed my salmon sushi...hontou ni oishii :9 ...then took Dex's manga and read long never read Doraemon dee :P...then...sleepiness drifted in...and I fell asleep...on the the living room....blekk..
The next thing I knew, I open my eyes..and the first thing that came to my head as "MY LAUNDRY!! AAa~~!"...and the sky was not the '4pm' was some sort of 6pm sky. Went and look at the time and went "SHIT!" ...intend to wake up at 4 but....well....urgh....nvm......Dex was also asleep....and I think he also didn't want to sleep until I went off to finish my laundry...and the next thing I knew, he woke up and asked me sumthing which...doesn't really make much sense...but then again myself was equally blur.............
.......then I went upstairs.....and then Dex was talking with Lisa....and my brain just can't process what they were saying....basically it's like this.....
Dex: Blur
Lisa: Blur
Me: WTF???
Yining: ....wat the hell u guys doing???
Wat actually happen was that Dex woke up thinking that it was already Friday morning 6am..since his wristwatch doesn't have am/pm...and that would mean he slept for an entire 12+ hour...without revision for Engin Math....another killer paper.......and he tot have to go take test in about 2 hour's time.......
...and somewhere in between the confusion....we manage to clear the things out....unblur ourselves....and thank god was he was I..............
There you have it...staying too long with Lisa=equal blurness......
....wonder why I'm not affected.... ^^; ...... a bunch great songs in my PC.... (which means it's dying...again....urgh)....Trinity Blood insert songs...and best of all...FFVII AC OST!!! OMG.....the love.... *dies* ....Yes, Loo has the Holy Song.....kekeke......
...I...think I better go study now..... *yawn* ..I'm SOOOOO gonna die off tmr..........
Ja, matta ne...
September 29, 2005
September 21, 2005
...can't believe those stupid pieces of parquet actually CAN stick onto the floor when I fix it with'...should have done it ages's no longer coming out of place and annoyingly sticking to my feet when I 'ter'pijak on them...idiotic things...
No new entry coz...stupid blogger decided to go 'system error' on my after I typed a 5 day encounter entry...including FFVII: AC screening, the little trip to 'Muara'...and the little trip to mee rebus and 'Oyster' pantai (self-nicknamed) was nice :D
Will write again...if I'm not too lazy..and if I have time... ^^; .....
...mata ashita...oyasuminasai.... ^__^
No new entry coz...stupid blogger decided to go 'system error' on my after I typed a 5 day encounter entry...including FFVII: AC screening, the little trip to 'Muara'...and the little trip to mee rebus and 'Oyster' pantai (self-nicknamed) was nice :D
Will write again...if I'm not too lazy..and if I have time... ^^; .....
...mata ashita...oyasuminasai.... ^__^
September 10, 2005
...but I never thought I would fall in love with him...
He ordered me to go to him...but I never thought I would fall in love with him...
....sighh...I'm in love.....
...with Soubi
ROFL...what were you guys thinking?? That was quoted from Loveless, which I FINALLY manage to marathon last nite (sorry Lisa..I couldn't wait this morn) was quite good...sweet and stuff..but it's just...not enough....I need more of it...more story, more elaboration, more developement of relationship between Ritsuka and Soubi...and more of what happened in the past. There were just too much gap to fill....the show ended with me being so tak puas(not satisfied)...NOW I understand my friend's feeling of frustraition when she found out it was ending with ONLY 12 eps... *whines* It ended before I had enuff...still...I loved it...would have watched it again if I had time... (I'll bring it balik rumah..nyahaha)...
And yes, the magical thing bout this show is, it always manage to make the ending nice enought to smooth sail it into the nice ED song, Michiyuki by Hikida Kaori. It's a really beautiful song. Go download it. The ED Video is nice too.
And yes, Kid actually asked "who's the lucky guy?" ...why...Soubi, of course! *avoids glare from San-chan* ...Yikess.... *bends over and pecks him across the cheek* ... :P
Okay, since Kid complains of too much food in my blog, I'll blog bout sumthing else my comp project....
...on second thought, that's boring. Nahh...I'll skip that. It makes me yawn at the thougt of it.
Hehe...this then. Recently (I can't quite remem eversince when)..I've royally screwed my sleeping habits. The nocturnal me is now sleeping as early as 8pm and waking up at 2am, drink sumthing, go bathroom, surf net awhile, then cont tidur until 5am. Sometimes I sleep at around 10, wake up in the middle, and tidur balik, then waking up again only at 8am......this lifestyle is so healthy, it freaks me out that I'm actually sleeping at those hours. Even Yuhi went O__O when I told him I was gonna sleep already (at 9sumthing last nite). All it took was one sleepless night to trigger the avalance of event to cause this disrupt of nocturnalness...oh's 11sumthing and I'm already sleepy...I sound like a geezer...
.....*looks on the dry flowers in my room* ..come to think of it, it's been ages since I have fresh flowers in my room. Sometimes I buy some nice Chrysanthemum from pasar malam (during 1st and 15th of Chinese Lunar Calender)..they sell for prayers and stuff but I just like it. My favourite would be the white Carnation with a very light green base that I bought last year, along with the beige one. It was the best I've gotten all this while. I miss those. Wonder why the pasar malam don't sell carnations anymore. Would have gotten one even if it was those pink colour that I dun normally fancy....hmm..nvm. Go home, drive to the market at my hometown, and buy some to pacak. Ahh, the joy of being home with car....
*Still listening to Loveless ED* ...seriously, it's good. Go download...shoo shoo...
I haven't chat with my friend for....days. I miss her. For the past week, I've only been receiving offline messages from her. Must be frustraiting for her part as well. I'm just never home at night when she's around. No, I dont' go out lepak. It's just that most of my classes end after 9, and last week, it was likewise for Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, she messaged me when I went out dinner, sadly. Then I waited for her to come online again, but then my screwed sleeping hours got the better of me, and I was soon too sleepy to keep my eyes open anymore. My sight was blurry. I couldn't even go on watching Loveless, so I went to bed, and she came online again. "Apa tido!!! Aiyo...." ...sumanakatta....I didn't mean it. She won't be around next week, then after that, I'll be busy shitless....darn.....
Hmmm...wat else eh? Oh, EMiNA merchandise sales. It went well, I suppose. We're having marathon tmr. Hope ppl will come... ^^; We were promo-ing the screened titles, along with trailers of upcoming anime as well as those we plan to put up for our future marathon list. Among them, of course FF7 AC. It was funny how ppl all flocked up to our booth when I plugged the sound system out and plug it into MunMun's laptop and played a few FF songs. They came to see the laptop, which displayed different song from what that was played on it....LOL.....btw..was the audio good the other day? *pats pats my baby audio system* Gokuro, na. Ahhh yes, FF7 was released today in Japan, in theater for limited 'invite only'. But MunMun got hold of spoilers and has already spoiled herself to it. I've only read some of it....I'll keep the rest for later ;9 ....and as for EMiNA's plan for FF7 AC... we plan to screen it first/second week of next sem (due to tight schedule of this end of sem and you guys wun come anyway)...and yes, we'll most probably do it in A2..the big halls. I suppose it's members only...I guess...but we've yet to decide this! :D But yeah, for sure we're gonna screen it.
*YAWNNN* ....waa...12 sumthing dee loo....I...better sleep dee...ja, oyasumi, minna.
....sighh...I'm in love.....
...with Soubi
ROFL...what were you guys thinking?? That was quoted from Loveless, which I FINALLY manage to marathon last nite (sorry Lisa..I couldn't wait this morn) was quite good...sweet and stuff..but it's just...not enough....I need more of it...more story, more elaboration, more developement of relationship between Ritsuka and Soubi...and more of what happened in the past. There were just too much gap to fill....the show ended with me being so tak puas(not satisfied)...NOW I understand my friend's feeling of frustraition when she found out it was ending with ONLY 12 eps... *whines* It ended before I had enuff...still...I loved it...would have watched it again if I had time... (I'll bring it balik rumah..nyahaha)...
And yes, the magical thing bout this show is, it always manage to make the ending nice enought to smooth sail it into the nice ED song, Michiyuki by Hikida Kaori. It's a really beautiful song. Go download it. The ED Video is nice too.
And yes, Kid actually asked "who's the lucky guy?" ...why...Soubi, of course! *avoids glare from San-chan* ...Yikess.... *bends over and pecks him across the cheek* ... :P
Okay, since Kid complains of too much food in my blog, I'll blog bout sumthing else my comp project....
...on second thought, that's boring. Nahh...I'll skip that. It makes me yawn at the thougt of it.
Hehe...this then. Recently (I can't quite remem eversince when)..I've royally screwed my sleeping habits. The nocturnal me is now sleeping as early as 8pm and waking up at 2am, drink sumthing, go bathroom, surf net awhile, then cont tidur until 5am. Sometimes I sleep at around 10, wake up in the middle, and tidur balik, then waking up again only at 8am......this lifestyle is so healthy, it freaks me out that I'm actually sleeping at those hours. Even Yuhi went O__O when I told him I was gonna sleep already (at 9sumthing last nite). All it took was one sleepless night to trigger the avalance of event to cause this disrupt of nocturnalness...oh's 11sumthing and I'm already sleepy...I sound like a geezer...
.....*looks on the dry flowers in my room* ..come to think of it, it's been ages since I have fresh flowers in my room. Sometimes I buy some nice Chrysanthemum from pasar malam (during 1st and 15th of Chinese Lunar Calender)..they sell for prayers and stuff but I just like it. My favourite would be the white Carnation with a very light green base that I bought last year, along with the beige one. It was the best I've gotten all this while. I miss those. Wonder why the pasar malam don't sell carnations anymore. Would have gotten one even if it was those pink colour that I dun normally fancy....hmm..nvm. Go home, drive to the market at my hometown, and buy some to pacak. Ahh, the joy of being home with car....
*Still listening to Loveless ED* ...seriously, it's good. Go download...shoo shoo...
I haven't chat with my friend for....days. I miss her. For the past week, I've only been receiving offline messages from her. Must be frustraiting for her part as well. I'm just never home at night when she's around. No, I dont' go out lepak. It's just that most of my classes end after 9, and last week, it was likewise for Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, she messaged me when I went out dinner, sadly. Then I waited for her to come online again, but then my screwed sleeping hours got the better of me, and I was soon too sleepy to keep my eyes open anymore. My sight was blurry. I couldn't even go on watching Loveless, so I went to bed, and she came online again. "Apa tido!!! Aiyo...." ...sumanakatta....I didn't mean it. She won't be around next week, then after that, I'll be busy shitless....darn.....
Hmmm...wat else eh? Oh, EMiNA merchandise sales. It went well, I suppose. We're having marathon tmr. Hope ppl will come... ^^; We were promo-ing the screened titles, along with trailers of upcoming anime as well as those we plan to put up for our future marathon list. Among them, of course FF7 AC. It was funny how ppl all flocked up to our booth when I plugged the sound system out and plug it into MunMun's laptop and played a few FF songs. They came to see the laptop, which displayed different song from what that was played on it....LOL.....btw..was the audio good the other day? *pats pats my baby audio system* Gokuro, na. Ahhh yes, FF7 was released today in Japan, in theater for limited 'invite only'. But MunMun got hold of spoilers and has already spoiled herself to it. I've only read some of it....I'll keep the rest for later ;9 ....and as for EMiNA's plan for FF7 AC... we plan to screen it first/second week of next sem (due to tight schedule of this end of sem and you guys wun come anyway)...and yes, we'll most probably do it in A2..the big halls. I suppose it's members only...I guess...but we've yet to decide this! :D But yeah, for sure we're gonna screen it.
*YAWNNN* ....waa...12 sumthing dee loo....I...better sleep dee...ja, oyasumi, minna.
September 8, 2005
Pancake + Watermelon?
Never would have thought pancake+blueberry&peanutbutter topping PLUS watermelon would have made such a lovely combo...sounds weird rite?? Try, if you dare.
Was frying pancake from those pancake mix I curi from home a month ago, and added blueberry jam and peanut butter topping and I look at the water melon I just cut. It was still ice cold from the fridge. And the pancake was still rather hot. So I thought, why not. Since I DID try it on some other fresh food before, that beiing banana (THIS one makes an EVEN BETTER COMBO, trust me! :D )...then I cut a corner of the sweet part of the melon..and tried... OMG O.O was nice!!..kekekkee.....
Earlier today I steamed rice with the Maggi Chicken stock (the liquid one) and some margerine..FUIYOOO...damn sedap mannn...then I boiled some chicken herbal soup (from the herbal pack thing aunt bought from me. A1 brand. Go try. Damn good) and add some chicken there oso (bought from pasar malam :D ) long never makan home cook chicken friday gonna try steam chicken).....then fry scramble egg and add to the top of the chicken rice....fuiyooo...'hou han fook aaa' (Very lucky...sorta..mewah..mewah...)
Earlier the other day, cook spaghetti (got stock in fridge summore :D ) and salad....turn out quite nice eventho I change the meat a bit (last time use daging burger, this time use minced type only)..I think I balik wanna try new the garlic style insteal of the bologne style.
....aiyo crazy dee..keep talking bout food.
*sigh* *goes back to slave on Comp assignment*
Was frying pancake from those pancake mix I curi from home a month ago, and added blueberry jam and peanut butter topping and I look at the water melon I just cut. It was still ice cold from the fridge. And the pancake was still rather hot. So I thought, why not. Since I DID try it on some other fresh food before, that beiing banana (THIS one makes an EVEN BETTER COMBO, trust me! :D )...then I cut a corner of the sweet part of the melon..and tried... OMG O.O was nice!!..kekekkee.....
Earlier today I steamed rice with the Maggi Chicken stock (the liquid one) and some margerine..FUIYOOO...damn sedap mannn...then I boiled some chicken herbal soup (from the herbal pack thing aunt bought from me. A1 brand. Go try. Damn good) and add some chicken there oso (bought from pasar malam :D ) long never makan home cook chicken friday gonna try steam chicken).....then fry scramble egg and add to the top of the chicken rice....fuiyooo...'hou han fook aaa' (Very lucky...sorta..mewah..mewah...)
Earlier the other day, cook spaghetti (got stock in fridge summore :D ) and salad....turn out quite nice eventho I change the meat a bit (last time use daging burger, this time use minced type only)..I think I balik wanna try new the garlic style insteal of the bologne style.
....aiyo crazy dee..keep talking bout food.
*sigh* *goes back to slave on Comp assignment*
September 2, 2005
Birthdays, cakes, cards and fireworks
It was the eve of 30th Aug, Lisa and myself had just returned from an hour's worth of suffering from EEN *DO not mention again...after this post* ...I had earlier gone to the wrong venue (coz all of my papers this sem was held in Exam hall, but this one being delayed, was held in Main Hall instead). Went there rather early. Exam hall was rather empty than usual. I suspected something amiss, tho brushing it off as being rather early, I sat down to unfamiliar faces of students and lecturers. I began to feel more and more 'out' thus I flipped the paper on my table to take a look at the title: "**inserts paper name**" my horror, it wasn't the expected "EEN1016 - Electronics" there, but some foreign words strewn on the cover. I quickly collected my items, and sprint out of the hall, and rushed to CITS to check my actual venue (tho I guessed myself that it would be in Main Hall..but just to be on the safe side ^^; ) anyways, I was a lil late...just a lil. They just started, and I sat RIGHT in front. But basically, to sum it all, it sucked. I flunked it for all I care. Was the worst paper I encountered and many seem to agree with me. Nuff said.
After the paper, one of my classmate invited Lisa and myself over to their house (just about 3-5 mins walk away from our place) to celebrate another of our classmate's birthday. It was some sort of PE01's tradition to celebrate classmate's birthday, so there you have it ;). Without thinking much (as a zombified Lisa would have always been expected to be), Lisa had agreed to go, but then I nudged her and said "We can't..." ....she looked back at me and blurly said "Why??" ............."Yining's??" ....."Ohhhh....tonight horr?? Aiyaaa.." [FYI: Yining is Lisa's current dare you.... -__-# ] ...but yeah, we said we'd try to go if Yining's party won't start as early (she has yet to know bout it at that time) both of us went back home, I bought some keropok ikan on the way...and 'cooled down' while waiting for Shindee to get cakes and etc. Yining started to take out Lisa's 'Er-hu' (chinese musical instrument) and tried to play a our horror. As if THAT was not bad enough, LooMun decided to chip in, and had her hand on the Er-Hu, which had me running back to my own room with my hands covering my ears as the resonance of the tune she tried to pick ran thru the back of my spine, making me shudder. Later on, Lisa asked if we wanted to drop by my classmate's house first, so I said "Okay"...but Lisa said she wanted to go take a bath first. So I waited for her as I took more blasts from the Er-Hu...
We were soon at our classmate's house. Nice of them to keep a piece of cheesecake for each of us. Nice to see fellow PE01s again, as well as faces of our new classmates this year. We chatted and made jokes of sorts, stories, chipped teeth and dentist visits, and we soon head back at around 11.20pm. Quite a number of our friend have already congregated at our house (it wasn't a HUGE party, just a nice 10 ppl one)...and we prepared drinks and food and the cake.As the time approaches midnight, we called the birthday-girl to come down and start the celebration. This girl's younger than most of us by a year, being a PTS student. Cheeky, she was smiling brightly that we were celebrating with her. We were soon blowing candles, cutting cakes and digging into our own pieces, and I poured out my keropok ikan and dipped it into my cake's cream, much to other's horror. It turned out quite nice, and MunMun decided to try too. Quite funny really, how it was kinda nice, and we soon had more proper chili sauce to go with it...hehe. Shindee tried mixing Coke+Pepsi+Sprite for us, and I tried adding chili into it. Yep, I did. And as a result, had the combo-mixture spurting out of my nose. It wasn't much of the taste that made me 'wash my nose' with CO2 drink, but the reaction of my friends that made me laugh and choked on it. I've been rather well known to choke on almost any drink: plain water, coffee, milo and the worst: MILK!'s coz, the smell stays in there for a while.
After a hell long chat, we invited our friends to go upstairs where most of our rooms are, and showed them some stuff we've got in our comp...and etc.... *giggle* ...those who were present would know what I mean.
Then, Yining suggested cards. It was one heck of a good game. First round resulted in Shindee going to the balcony and shouted "MERDEKA" a day earlier than it was supposed to be. Other rounds resulted in Truth or Dare...and yeah, I wrapped the last game (from the back), having a whole stack of cards in the game 'bluff'. I....took to much risk. We ended up playing until 4am. Shindee and Co. actually bluffed the guards to open the back gate for them, saying they just finished 'Assignment' ...great job gal ;)
....I don't think I slept after least until 7am, I think.
The next day, Tuesday, was my Lazy Day. My Tuesday schedules are very VERY free. This Tuesday however, I had 4 hours worth of replacement class due to National Day holiday. Woke up before 12 to attend Comp tutorial, and expected Lisa to be propped up at her comp (coz I don't think she slept any later than me), I opened her door, and saw her nicely snuggled up in her bed. I had half a mind to go back to my room, and jump on my own bed and snooze away. Then again, I biked off to class. Was rather enjoyable tho, coz I learnt 'Array', something I HAD to use for my assignment. 'Tapau' rice back afterwards, ate in front of comp, and fell asleep RIGHT after that. Woke up only at around 6.30 coz I'll be having another 2 hours classes at 8pm.
Class was....urgh. Blur. Many ppl were. Maybe bcoz most of us could not wait to go back as there was a feeling of celebration amongst us. As we zoom back right after we were dismissed, we headed to the petrol station to refill Lisa's tank. We were a lil surprised to see quite a number of people there refilling their vehicles too. It seems they were heading to town. Expected. nice. I wish for a moment that I had a car. We headed home after refilling and had a nice dinner of spaghetti.
As the time was approacing 12midnight, I grabbed my bag and dashed off to Hostel. Being an ex-occupant there, I know for SURE that there WILL be fireworks nicely visible from 21st floor where i used to stay. True enough, no sooner had I reach Hostel ground floor, I heard fireworks going off in a distance. They STARTED!! I quickly dashed up the lift and joined Shindee and KayLyn there. It was the most beautiful fireworks I've seen in a while. The last 'Merdeka Celebration' fireworks display I had witness was on Penang Bridge, about 3 years ago or so. That time, we were just on our way back from fetching my sister, who had just arriaved from US. (this particular incident also sparked the usage of my current nickname) The nicest has gotta be one which explodes and leaves behind a trail of sparks, making it look like a huge willow tree. I've always liked willow tree, tho my parents have taboos against them. Jeezzz...
Later on, I joined Shindee in her room to chat a lil and leech some stuff from her. Then Kidrock called and ajak us to go supper with the rest of EMiNA gang. The other two back at home had earlier told me that they were lazy. So, yeah, since I'm already out, might as well go and have a drink and a nice chat with them.
Summary of the 'yumcha' at Cahaya Dinar:
-The mango juice SUX big time. YUCK. Banning it for 2 months.
-They...did something with the orange juice in plastic cups. Kid became a lil 'drunk' (not to mention horny O_o ..keke..) after drinking it, and Blackhole was just in a daze. Weird.
-Nice chatting bout random stuff.
-Got some pretty nice pic taken before that (I want my pic, Kid)
Went home at around 3am, go my usual routine of 'staying up til 7am or so', then pengsan until 4pm the next day. Yes, I slept thru Merdeka day. And it was nice, tho the others seem to think I was asleep or have gone out, and left me behind to go Pasar Malam. ....kanasai....nevertheless, I made a very nice bowl of curry mee+lime with slightly salted fried egg (put salt to heated oil before fry) as well as a bowl of very nice mushroom soup and toast. Was very happily stuffed after that ^__^ ...continued lazing the nite away reading HP4 (yes, I'm finally addicted) then...I can't really remember much anymore ^^;
Anyways, today, after Test and screening and a lil supper, I went back home and on my IRC. ...and hell we had a crazy talk... check it out here *giggles*
...and that was just the TIP of the iceberg...
Later, had a good session of toilet scrubbing, leaving it sparkly clean and smelling good too...*love love* O__O
Hmm...long enough to lawan Lisa's normaly post dee guys must be yawning. It's 3-4 days worth of post jammed into 1...Suman ne....
Slightly modified template expected....
Now I'm off to cook up some tomyam meehoon, and then to class....
...yes, I haven't slept whole nite. Dats 3 hours sleep in 36 hours. Wee~
After the paper, one of my classmate invited Lisa and myself over to their house (just about 3-5 mins walk away from our place) to celebrate another of our classmate's birthday. It was some sort of PE01's tradition to celebrate classmate's birthday, so there you have it ;). Without thinking much (as a zombified Lisa would have always been expected to be), Lisa had agreed to go, but then I nudged her and said "We can't..." ....she looked back at me and blurly said "Why??" ............."Yining's??" ....."Ohhhh....tonight horr?? Aiyaaa.." [FYI: Yining is Lisa's current dare you.... -__-# ] ...but yeah, we said we'd try to go if Yining's party won't start as early (she has yet to know bout it at that time) both of us went back home, I bought some keropok ikan on the way...and 'cooled down' while waiting for Shindee to get cakes and etc. Yining started to take out Lisa's 'Er-hu' (chinese musical instrument) and tried to play a our horror. As if THAT was not bad enough, LooMun decided to chip in, and had her hand on the Er-Hu, which had me running back to my own room with my hands covering my ears as the resonance of the tune she tried to pick ran thru the back of my spine, making me shudder. Later on, Lisa asked if we wanted to drop by my classmate's house first, so I said "Okay"...but Lisa said she wanted to go take a bath first. So I waited for her as I took more blasts from the Er-Hu...
We were soon at our classmate's house. Nice of them to keep a piece of cheesecake for each of us. Nice to see fellow PE01s again, as well as faces of our new classmates this year. We chatted and made jokes of sorts, stories, chipped teeth and dentist visits, and we soon head back at around 11.20pm. Quite a number of our friend have already congregated at our house (it wasn't a HUGE party, just a nice 10 ppl one)...and we prepared drinks and food and the cake.As the time approaches midnight, we called the birthday-girl to come down and start the celebration. This girl's younger than most of us by a year, being a PTS student. Cheeky, she was smiling brightly that we were celebrating with her. We were soon blowing candles, cutting cakes and digging into our own pieces, and I poured out my keropok ikan and dipped it into my cake's cream, much to other's horror. It turned out quite nice, and MunMun decided to try too. Quite funny really, how it was kinda nice, and we soon had more proper chili sauce to go with it...hehe. Shindee tried mixing Coke+Pepsi+Sprite for us, and I tried adding chili into it. Yep, I did. And as a result, had the combo-mixture spurting out of my nose. It wasn't much of the taste that made me 'wash my nose' with CO2 drink, but the reaction of my friends that made me laugh and choked on it. I've been rather well known to choke on almost any drink: plain water, coffee, milo and the worst: MILK!'s coz, the smell stays in there for a while.
After a hell long chat, we invited our friends to go upstairs where most of our rooms are, and showed them some stuff we've got in our comp...and etc.... *giggle* ...those who were present would know what I mean.
Then, Yining suggested cards. It was one heck of a good game. First round resulted in Shindee going to the balcony and shouted "MERDEKA" a day earlier than it was supposed to be. Other rounds resulted in Truth or Dare...and yeah, I wrapped the last game (from the back), having a whole stack of cards in the game 'bluff'. I....took to much risk. We ended up playing until 4am. Shindee and Co. actually bluffed the guards to open the back gate for them, saying they just finished 'Assignment' ...great job gal ;)
....I don't think I slept after least until 7am, I think.
The next day, Tuesday, was my Lazy Day. My Tuesday schedules are very VERY free. This Tuesday however, I had 4 hours worth of replacement class due to National Day holiday. Woke up before 12 to attend Comp tutorial, and expected Lisa to be propped up at her comp (coz I don't think she slept any later than me), I opened her door, and saw her nicely snuggled up in her bed. I had half a mind to go back to my room, and jump on my own bed and snooze away. Then again, I biked off to class. Was rather enjoyable tho, coz I learnt 'Array', something I HAD to use for my assignment. 'Tapau' rice back afterwards, ate in front of comp, and fell asleep RIGHT after that. Woke up only at around 6.30 coz I'll be having another 2 hours classes at 8pm.
Class was....urgh. Blur. Many ppl were. Maybe bcoz most of us could not wait to go back as there was a feeling of celebration amongst us. As we zoom back right after we were dismissed, we headed to the petrol station to refill Lisa's tank. We were a lil surprised to see quite a number of people there refilling their vehicles too. It seems they were heading to town. Expected. nice. I wish for a moment that I had a car. We headed home after refilling and had a nice dinner of spaghetti.
As the time was approacing 12midnight, I grabbed my bag and dashed off to Hostel. Being an ex-occupant there, I know for SURE that there WILL be fireworks nicely visible from 21st floor where i used to stay. True enough, no sooner had I reach Hostel ground floor, I heard fireworks going off in a distance. They STARTED!! I quickly dashed up the lift and joined Shindee and KayLyn there. It was the most beautiful fireworks I've seen in a while. The last 'Merdeka Celebration' fireworks display I had witness was on Penang Bridge, about 3 years ago or so. That time, we were just on our way back from fetching my sister, who had just arriaved from US. (this particular incident also sparked the usage of my current nickname) The nicest has gotta be one which explodes and leaves behind a trail of sparks, making it look like a huge willow tree. I've always liked willow tree, tho my parents have taboos against them. Jeezzz...
Later on, I joined Shindee in her room to chat a lil and leech some stuff from her. Then Kidrock called and ajak us to go supper with the rest of EMiNA gang. The other two back at home had earlier told me that they were lazy. So, yeah, since I'm already out, might as well go and have a drink and a nice chat with them.
Summary of the 'yumcha' at Cahaya Dinar:
-The mango juice SUX big time. YUCK. Banning it for 2 months.
-They...did something with the orange juice in plastic cups. Kid became a lil 'drunk' (not to mention horny O_o ..keke..) after drinking it, and Blackhole was just in a daze. Weird.
-Nice chatting bout random stuff.
-Got some pretty nice pic taken before that (I want my pic, Kid)
Went home at around 3am, go my usual routine of 'staying up til 7am or so', then pengsan until 4pm the next day. Yes, I slept thru Merdeka day. And it was nice, tho the others seem to think I was asleep or have gone out, and left me behind to go Pasar Malam. ....kanasai....nevertheless, I made a very nice bowl of curry mee+lime with slightly salted fried egg (put salt to heated oil before fry) as well as a bowl of very nice mushroom soup and toast. Was very happily stuffed after that ^__^ ...continued lazing the nite away reading HP4 (yes, I'm finally addicted) then...I can't really remember much anymore ^^;
Anyways, today, after Test and screening and a lil supper, I went back home and on my IRC. ...and hell we had a crazy talk... check it out here *giggles*

...and that was just the TIP of the iceberg...
Later, had a good session of toilet scrubbing, leaving it sparkly clean and smelling good too...*love love* O__O
Hmm...long enough to lawan Lisa's normaly post dee guys must be yawning. It's 3-4 days worth of post jammed into 1...Suman ne....
Slightly modified template expected....
Now I'm off to cook up some tomyam meehoon, and then to class....
...yes, I haven't slept whole nite. Dats 3 hours sleep in 36 hours. Wee~
September 1, 2005
Dammit...I'm hungry. And I'm running low on supplies variety...and the raw food material's all dried up. I've damn hell gotta go Tesco this Friday.
And why the HELL all of a sudden I feel like eating some roast chicken with gravy? Kenny Rogers anyone? I dunno..maybe not just roast chicken. Just...chicken!! The one in the soup that I love so much, maybe the steamed herbal one my aunt's so good at making...or KFC??...or that special thing my friend gave me a treat at Amigos...or just...ANYTHING...damn. I miss home food I guess..wonder if my friend is around this weekend. Might wanna drop in if she's free...hope her mum's cooking :3 ...and sudden crave for asparagus goreng sambal belacan too...and prawns...I'm SO DARN famished of sea-food. *thinks of Umbai seafood* ...damn I need a car...
I'm being random here... *sigh* ...
..damn. The bell's ringing again. Been ringing for the past 15 mins... *shakesfist*
*stares at PEM1016 notes* ..I CAN'T READ!!!!!
...Damn I need food.
Had quite a nice Merdeka (as well as the day before it)...will post bout it soon, I guess... :) more thing..... Kid, this one's for you...kekeke..
And why the HELL all of a sudden I feel like eating some roast chicken with gravy? Kenny Rogers anyone? I dunno..maybe not just roast chicken. Just...chicken!! The one in the soup that I love so much, maybe the steamed herbal one my aunt's so good at making...or KFC??...or that special thing my friend gave me a treat at Amigos...or just...ANYTHING...damn. I miss home food I guess..wonder if my friend is around this weekend. Might wanna drop in if she's free...hope her mum's cooking :3 ...and sudden crave for asparagus goreng sambal belacan too...and prawns...I'm SO DARN famished of sea-food. *thinks of Umbai seafood* ...damn I need a car...
I'm being random here... *sigh* ...
..damn. The bell's ringing again. Been ringing for the past 15 mins... *shakesfist*
*stares at PEM1016 notes* ..I CAN'T READ!!!!!
...Damn I need food.
Had quite a nice Merdeka (as well as the day before it)...will post bout it soon, I guess... :) more thing..... Kid, this one's for you...kekeke..

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