And a whole can all to myself too! X3' ...QJ's granma gave wan...hee...
For all that Kueh Kapit that I didn't eat at home....

Nom nom nom nom...

I've got plenty of pictures, plenty of stuff I wanna blog about...but somehow not finding time to just sit down, sort and edit my pics and write a decent post. Sorting 700+ pics from 3 days worth of CNY...was pretty WTFing...not to mention the house was in a mess since I practically dumped all my trash from my sister's place in the living room when I moved it back with her car the other day...and since QJ had Magic pre-release party yday, so I had to move everything into the room...which messes it up pretty badly :P Thankfully its all pretty straightened up now ;)
ITP report & presentation to work on...FYP to do...and classes to pics and posts will have to wait....12 weeks of 'no class-ness' and now its back to the lecture halls...aih...its still good to be back tho :3
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