(for those of you who are wondering wat it's like....imagine ringing the stupid freaky bell in Viridian Room...REPEATEDLY...getting faster and faster until feel like ripping the curtains off and just scream at whoever's ringing the damn thing to just shaddup)
I's REALLY getting to me. It maybe for prayer purpose...and wat the hell bout those bells being able to calm you down....when this one goes 'ting ting ting' like a bomb, the speed going towards an allegro like it would blow up in your face....CALM EH???....baka yarou...disrupting the peaceful morning. So crudely ripping off the innocence of the silent, peaceful morning. HOW THE F***** DARE YOU!!!
...maybe I AM turning into a vamp...tehee~~
Come on, I KNOW I've gone nocturnal before...last year...but THAT was, sleeping at 5am, and waking up at 10 for classes...I haven't gone 'sleeping at 7am, waking up at 4pm' I'm REALLY there....yep, for the past few days (weekends maa) slept only at 7, when the sun's rays cruelly trying to break through the resistance of my thick curtains to reach (and perhaps, kill) me....and waking up to the more soothing light of evening rays at 4pm (okay maybe it's NOT THAT calm yet...but curtain's there ^^ )....
Been a lil crazy on music lately...blasting during the day (I..never really blast much before) and playing it almost...all nite. Not having music on seems a lil...awkwardly quiet....hehe....
FINALLY finished Harry Potter 6...what? Don't look at me like that....I took my own sweet time. If I had holiday, could have finished it MUCH earlier....oh yeah, Thanks Dex, for lending your copy ;) having to stare at the comp... (got hard copy for the first 5?? ....Narnia??)
Hmmm.....Got test later....better study first....
..and I have a feeling I'd be sleeping dead tonight after test....
Back laters for better update.....
...and thus, the thunder rolls above our heads....and I silently pray for a pouring rain to least until 12noon when I have class....stop for a while then ya ;)
Listening to: GITS collections
Reading: Electronic notes+HP4?
Watching: don't wanna know.... ^^;
August 29, 2005
August 22, 2005
Time: 11am
Location: Bed
Open eyes to monitor displaying Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden, 2 new mails, and a very slow comp...
Alarm rang multiple times from 11.10 until 11.30am.
*climbs up and picks up keyboard and place it on tummy* ... *grabs mouse too* Hmm...sis sends another batch of ChotChot pics :D ....URGH...blurry picss.....must be niichan's doing... :S
Time: 11.30am
Location: Out of bed
....still sleepy *YAWNS*....hungry too *grabs tuna sandwitch and rides out to class with Lisa*
Time: 12.15pm
Location: Comp lab, FET 3rd floor
*YAWNS endlessly* ....damn I'm bored....*types programme* ...fingers very freezy for no reason...
Time: 12.35pm
Location: ditto
...why the heck is it ONLY 12.35??!!!!
Time: 12.50pm
Location: ditto
*opens blog* ..... *start typing rubbish*
Damn, why the hell doesn't the Alt+Tab button work? Come to think of it, neither does any of the Window shortcut button combination...crappy comp....
*looks at HP for time* ... I need sleep... ~__~
Time: 1pm
Location: ... butt aches.... *whacks stupid inegronemic chair*
Time: 1.35pm
Location: ...
Now, the last half hour wasn't too bad ne?
Hmm...array...wat the heck she talking bout?? XD
Eee...our tutor just gave us a tip on our Assignment Project...subarashii!
Time: 3pm
Location: Mai ROOM!!! *cuddles bed*
Ahhh...kenyang...*click click com* EeehhhHH?? Trinity Blood 14-15 RELEASED!! Dats 3 releases in 2 days!! *love* *downloads!!*
That's gotta be the BEST thing that happened since 11am!! :D
....yeah, I need a life.
Location: Bed
Open eyes to monitor displaying Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden, 2 new mails, and a very slow comp...
Alarm rang multiple times from 11.10 until 11.30am.
*climbs up and picks up keyboard and place it on tummy* ... *grabs mouse too* Hmm...sis sends another batch of ChotChot pics :D ....URGH...blurry picss.....must be niichan's doing... :S
Time: 11.30am
Location: Out of bed
....still sleepy *YAWNS*....hungry too *grabs tuna sandwitch and rides out to class with Lisa*
Time: 12.15pm
Location: Comp lab, FET 3rd floor
*YAWNS endlessly* ....damn I'm bored....*types programme* ...fingers very freezy for no reason...
Time: 12.35pm
Location: ditto
...why the heck is it ONLY 12.35??!!!!
Time: 12.50pm
Location: ditto
*opens blog* ..... *start typing rubbish*
Damn, why the hell doesn't the Alt+Tab button work? Come to think of it, neither does any of the Window shortcut button combination...crappy comp....
*looks at HP for time* ... I need sleep... ~__~
Time: 1pm
Location: ... butt aches.... *whacks stupid inegronemic chair*
Time: 1.35pm
Location: ...
Now, the last half hour wasn't too bad ne?
Hmm...array...wat the heck she talking bout?? XD
Eee...our tutor just gave us a tip on our Assignment Project...subarashii!
Time: 3pm
Location: Mai ROOM!!! *cuddles bed*
Ahhh...kenyang...*click click com* EeehhhHH?? Trinity Blood 14-15 RELEASED!! Dats 3 releases in 2 days!! *love* *downloads!!*
That's gotta be the BEST thing that happened since 11am!! :D
....yeah, I need a life.
August 20, 2005
Pancake + Puppy Love
(Loading may be a bit slow due to graphics ahead...suman ne)...'s just been 3 days since my last update, and you guys are already asking for an update...rite. Okay, here goes... (thanks for the support tho ^__^ )
Oh btw. Go watch FMP:TSR Ep 6. I love the ending...Oh SOUSUKE..!!! FINALLY!!
Monday, pasar malam. Yay. Bought a lil extra stuff this Monday coz my sis was dropping by to pass me my newly bought printer as well as the stack of CDs Yuhi 'forgot' to buy from PCFair (as well as one of my own and Lisa's) wanted to let her nibble something special from Malacca that she don't usually get in her place. Bought banana as well, one of the more favoured fruit in my list. (The last time I bought apples, I only ate 2 out of the pile of 10. That was my first time biting into a sour apple. The rest were taken back home SP)
Tuesday, went for class in the morning...or did I?...hmmm...wanted to. Lecture finish before I could go. *shrugs* Oh well...was doing event financial report before that. Later on, cooked maggi and then set out to bus stop to wait for bus to go town. Going to stay with my sister for the nite in her room, Renaissance. She was here for some company work, and she got a double room (even thought she booked for single room...happens often enough). Damn bus. Made me wait an hour++...but then again, it didn't feel anything as I had a good book with me...hehe...the guy beside me was restless though...keke. Got to Sentral and bought a bottle of A&W Rootbeer. Me and my sis love those. Too bad we didn't have ice cream. She DID bring a bottle of wine with her. Her friend gave her for quite some time already and didn't really have time to drink. Lucky!!
The room was nice. So pleasant and the view was great too. Last time I went there, it was a 'sea view' (yeah yeah, the sea was miles away...but it's counted as 'sea' time, it was facing the opposite direction..and guess what?? I could even see MMU HOSTEL!! LMAO...wait, I've got pics ...tho it's really tiny.
After work, we went for a walk behind the hotel...there's this nicely made walkway around Sg. Melaka....nicely made. Saw some puppies too. That night, I took her go makan Satay Celup in Capitol. A bit sesat jalan on the way there (coz we usually take the route from the OPPOSITE car...yes we walked)...and yes, she loved it. Hehe...we did snacked on some 'yau char kwai' and 'ham chim peng' before going there and it was the most delicious ones I've had in a while. Got chance must go there and buy summore :D On our way back, she saw a stall selling nyonya popiah. She asked me if it was nice. I told her I didn't know bout this stall but GENERALLY, the nyonya popiahs in Malacca are very despite being very full from the dinner earlier, she bought one for herself. I just couldn't eat anymore. Took a small bite of hers tho and yeah, it was delicious. Am glad she got to taste it..hehe...
The next day, she woke me up to eat the hotel's buffet breakfast. I thought they serve sushi but all they serve was some Japanese rice, miso soup, dunno some rotten beancurd(urgh) and fish...dats for the Japanese stuff. Check out the pastries....oooo...yummy....and the cereal bar and salad counter (with ham, turkey, beef slice and etc), western breakfast, porridge (I skipped this), omelette (cooked on the spot) and roti jala (cooked on the spot too)....I was STUFFED!!...and dat was breakfast, lunch..and almost dinner...keke....Sis joined me later. She just finished some of her work and was free for the time being. So much nicer having someone to eat breakfast with you instead of eating it alone. Later, she went for their fieldtrip, and I went back to room to zzZzzZzzZ...actually I was watching TV lar...then later fell asleep...wahh so nice...draw all the blinds too. Woke up around 2 and continue my book. Poured summore wine and laze in bed with book...wahhh....Later got up and did my Japanese homework..keke....
Oh did I mention? The foreign chef (the one who did the omelette and roti jala asked if I was Japanese...I'm starting a counter from that day in Bon Odori...from then till now, counter's at 3...Shud brush up on Japanese and seriously pretend next time..kekeke....)...I find that foreigners are more easily deceived...ekekee....A year ago I kena from an International student asking if I was Korean. Wow..that was the first. Ekeke...
Kay....around 5.40, got all packed up and walked off from Renaissance to the Ocean...hop on bus and got to Sentral....and then back to MMU JUST IN TIME for a box of Milo drink and my Japanese class...phew. ..hehe....
*suddenly hears dogs barking outside* Oh yeah...Hungry Ghost Festival today..and it's 5am... *shivers* ...*takes blanket and cover*
Oh...and after class, went to kitchen and made Potato Salad, some tuna for sandwich for the week, and pancake. Pancake...was coz I needed to finish the banana I bought from Pasar Malam on Monday...hehe..the skin was getting difficult to peel off (first time seing such stubborn banana...urgh)...
-Pancake mix + sufficient water (not too thick and not too wattery)
-Butter/margerine (for frying)
-Jam (I put blueberry *love* )
Mix Pancake mix with water (follow instructions on pack, if available). Heat butter/margerine in pan. Fry the pancake and dun burn it...ekeke...Put jam on the pancake and slice the bananas (...not the whole bunch of bananas...1-2 will do) and place on top.
Friday: My darn bike almost kena rantai by Security. How the HECK was I supposed to know I wasn't supposed to park THERE?? "It's not illegal, it's just not proper." Dats wat they told me, but at least he was nice enought NOT to rantai (and saman me) coz it wasn't illegal..hehe...and oh....slept thru the evening until around 4. Woke up, played a lil bit of game...then went bathe and prep up self for photo-shooting. Passport pics for Jap class exam...hehe....hope it turns out good ;) ..had fun tho...even tho it was nothing much. Dinner was yummilicious. Vegetarian but heck, it's SOO GOOD I forgot that we were eating vegetarian food..hehe...Highly recommended.
They make a surprisingly good combination. Yummy!!
____________________________ here's the doggy part I promised...A new batch of photos from my sis of my crazy lil doggy, Pochot. Hehe...enjoy.
"Hmm...wats this?? Ooi Chot...ChotCHOT...You alrite?? *pokes pokes*"

IYORR WHAT LAA?? Can't I get a DECENT SLEEP?? You humans..geezz....FEEL THE WRATH OF THE PUPPY!!

Hmmm...I can't sleep anymore. Damn you guys for waking me up...GRRR..

*stomoch growls* -KROOOO-
...what? Lil pups get hugry too you know. This IS my breakfast and lunch.
Hmmm...smell sumthing good... *sniffs*

OOOOO....MY LOVELY LOVELY DOG FOOD!! *stuffs head in* ...Ehh?? Are...???

...WHERE'S MY FOOD!! Oh COME ONE...Quit being a jerk already and hand over the food DAMMIT!!

Ahhh...FINALLY....*gobbles licks*...Heaven...hehe SUCKERS!!
/me misses the pups... *hugs love*'s just been 3 days since my last update, and you guys are already asking for an update...rite. Okay, here goes... (thanks for the support tho ^__^ )
Oh btw. Go watch FMP:TSR Ep 6. I love the ending...Oh SOUSUKE..!!! FINALLY!!
Monday, pasar malam. Yay. Bought a lil extra stuff this Monday coz my sis was dropping by to pass me my newly bought printer as well as the stack of CDs Yuhi 'forgot' to buy from PCFair (as well as one of my own and Lisa's) wanted to let her nibble something special from Malacca that she don't usually get in her place. Bought banana as well, one of the more favoured fruit in my list. (The last time I bought apples, I only ate 2 out of the pile of 10. That was my first time biting into a sour apple. The rest were taken back home SP)
Tuesday, went for class in the morning...or did I?...hmmm...wanted to. Lecture finish before I could go. *shrugs* Oh well...was doing event financial report before that. Later on, cooked maggi and then set out to bus stop to wait for bus to go town. Going to stay with my sister for the nite in her room, Renaissance. She was here for some company work, and she got a double room (even thought she booked for single room...happens often enough). Damn bus. Made me wait an hour++...but then again, it didn't feel anything as I had a good book with me...hehe...the guy beside me was restless though...keke. Got to Sentral and bought a bottle of A&W Rootbeer. Me and my sis love those. Too bad we didn't have ice cream. She DID bring a bottle of wine with her. Her friend gave her for quite some time already and didn't really have time to drink. Lucky!!
The room was nice. So pleasant and the view was great too. Last time I went there, it was a 'sea view' (yeah yeah, the sea was miles away...but it's counted as 'sea' time, it was facing the opposite direction..and guess what?? I could even see MMU HOSTEL!! LMAO...wait, I've got pics ...tho it's really tiny.

The next day, she woke me up to eat the hotel's buffet breakfast. I thought they serve sushi but all they serve was some Japanese rice, miso soup, dunno some rotten beancurd(urgh) and fish...dats for the Japanese stuff. Check out the pastries....oooo...yummy....and the cereal bar and salad counter (with ham, turkey, beef slice and etc), western breakfast, porridge (I skipped this), omelette (cooked on the spot) and roti jala (cooked on the spot too)....I was STUFFED!!...and dat was breakfast, lunch..and almost dinner...keke....Sis joined me later. She just finished some of her work and was free for the time being. So much nicer having someone to eat breakfast with you instead of eating it alone. Later, she went for their fieldtrip, and I went back to room to zzZzzZzzZ...actually I was watching TV lar...then later fell asleep...wahh so nice...draw all the blinds too. Woke up around 2 and continue my book. Poured summore wine and laze in bed with book...wahhh....Later got up and did my Japanese homework..keke....
Oh did I mention? The foreign chef (the one who did the omelette and roti jala asked if I was Japanese...I'm starting a counter from that day in Bon Odori...from then till now, counter's at 3...Shud brush up on Japanese and seriously pretend next time..kekeke....)...I find that foreigners are more easily deceived...ekekee....A year ago I kena from an International student asking if I was Korean. Wow..that was the first. Ekeke...
Kay....around 5.40, got all packed up and walked off from Renaissance to the Ocean...hop on bus and got to Sentral....and then back to MMU JUST IN TIME for a box of Milo drink and my Japanese class...phew. ..hehe....
*suddenly hears dogs barking outside* Oh yeah...Hungry Ghost Festival today..and it's 5am... *shivers* ...*takes blanket and cover*
Oh...and after class, went to kitchen and made Potato Salad, some tuna for sandwich for the week, and pancake. Pancake...was coz I needed to finish the banana I bought from Pasar Malam on Monday...hehe..the skin was getting difficult to peel off (first time seing such stubborn banana...urgh)...
-Pancake mix + sufficient water (not too thick and not too wattery)
-Butter/margerine (for frying)
-Jam (I put blueberry *love* )
Mix Pancake mix with water (follow instructions on pack, if available). Heat butter/margerine in pan. Fry the pancake and dun burn it...ekeke...Put jam on the pancake and slice the bananas (...not the whole bunch of bananas...1-2 will do) and place on top.
Friday: My darn bike almost kena rantai by Security. How the HECK was I supposed to know I wasn't supposed to park THERE?? "It's not illegal, it's just not proper." Dats wat they told me, but at least he was nice enought NOT to rantai (and saman me) coz it wasn't illegal..hehe...and oh....slept thru the evening until around 4. Woke up, played a lil bit of game...then went bathe and prep up self for photo-shooting. Passport pics for Jap class exam...hehe....hope it turns out good ;) ..had fun tho...even tho it was nothing much. Dinner was yummilicious. Vegetarian but heck, it's SOO GOOD I forgot that we were eating vegetarian food..hehe...Highly recommended.
They make a surprisingly good combination. Yummy!!
____________________________ here's the doggy part I promised...A new batch of photos from my sis of my crazy lil doggy, Pochot. Hehe...enjoy.

IYORR WHAT LAA?? Can't I get a DECENT SLEEP?? You humans..geezz....FEEL THE WRATH OF THE PUPPY!!

Hmmm...I can't sleep anymore. Damn you guys for waking me up...GRRR..

*stomoch growls* -KROOOO-
...what? Lil pups get hugry too you know. This IS my breakfast and lunch.

OOOOO....MY LOVELY LOVELY DOG FOOD!! *stuffs head in* ...Ehh?? Are...???

...WHERE'S MY FOOD!! Oh COME ONE...Quit being a jerk already and hand over the food DAMMIT!!

Ahhh...FINALLY....*gobbles licks*...Heaven...hehe SUCKERS!!
/me misses the pups... *hugs love*
August 16, 2005
OKAERII!! *snuggles*
Currently: In ECP1016 comp lab.
Listening to: Tutor la...Wish there were some songs tho...
(Was)Watching: FMP: TSR Ep 5 (LOL...damn good ep, esp the car chase scene!)
Haiiiiii! After 2 weeks I was FINALLY reunited with my comp-chan!! *snuggles* Iyorrr baby!! I miss you so MUCH!!! *muaks muaks* Hisashiburi dane!!
Yes, I admit. I'm hopeless w/o my comp. I can no longer live normally w/o my comp. Everything's just so setup to my taste already, from the skins of my applications to the convenience of password saved...
So yeah, after a week or so of holiday, my HDD is back to slavery...MUAHAHAHA....
Wacom works well on baby, tho it kinda acts a lil weird when I put mouse-mode for OpenCanvas 3.06PE...blah....I'll just have to change to pen-mode.
Weekend was wonderful! Well, of course, EEN was postponed, and I did go for a rather nice movie and a great dinner after that and a last minute unexpected 10.11pm shopping at Jusco. Boy that was funny. We only wanted to go for a last minute sushi offer but ended up doing our shopping since the guards didn't chase us out.
Of course, we WERE supposed to go do our shopping earlier at Tesco, but due to the late dinner (which was caused by the late movie, which was partially caused by the GSC ppl and partially caused by our laziness to get off the bed/seat earlier...event trigger...hehe)...we even missed the last Bustuah and Baswira back to Bukit Beruang, and ended up taking Town Bus back to Jusco and taxi home. Everything turned out well in the end, yokatta. That was just Friday.
Saturday...hehe...since comp-chan was still on vacation, I lazed half the day away reading HP6. Yeah, about time. Finally got my butt down and realised that my housemate was cooking dinner. So helped out watever I can and sat down to munch dinner later. Yumm! Was quick enuff this time to grab the vege before Lisa gets her hand on it. Muahaha...
...and of course, best part of Sat: COMP-CHAN COMING BACK... *dances around* After dinner, went up to continue HP6....but then didn't really have mood...kept looking at handphone for time...then around 8, i picked it up to play with the settings and as i was about to put it down, IT RANG!! My bro's friend saying he's on his way with my comp... :3 ..SO HAPPY....
*muaks muaks* Fuiii...I missed it so much!! And of course as you have guessed it, I didn't sleep very early that nite....leeching all those missed episodes as well as doing some catchups...hehe..
*bites dodol given by sis* ..yeah, she came by just now to pass my stuff i bought from PC Fair the other day (and tak larat carry back)...and passed me a pack of Alor Star dodol...YUMMY...going over to her hotel to stay tmr...Renaissance....damn nice room...and she said she brought white wine..weeee!!
Okay, I skipped was so LOVELY. Haven't had such a sweet and nice day in SO LONG. Didn't have to set the alart coz I can wake up ANYTIME...and it was raining...and was sooo cool....woke up around 12 to see my friend message me with "Good.....afternon" and I replied (while STILL lying down on my bed) "I'm still squirming in my bed" ....XD ....snuggled a while longer and got up and chat with her....until 2 sumthing and I had to go for EMiNA meeting..darn....
...Then it was Monday...URGH.....hates it...nuff said...
Am sleepy now....dun wanna write anymore....
Laters ;)
Listening to: Tutor la...Wish there were some songs tho...
(Was)Watching: FMP: TSR Ep 5 (LOL...damn good ep, esp the car chase scene!)
Haiiiiii! After 2 weeks I was FINALLY reunited with my comp-chan!! *snuggles* Iyorrr baby!! I miss you so MUCH!!! *muaks muaks* Hisashiburi dane!!
Yes, I admit. I'm hopeless w/o my comp. I can no longer live normally w/o my comp. Everything's just so setup to my taste already, from the skins of my applications to the convenience of password saved...
So yeah, after a week or so of holiday, my HDD is back to slavery...MUAHAHAHA....
Wacom works well on baby, tho it kinda acts a lil weird when I put mouse-mode for OpenCanvas 3.06PE...blah....I'll just have to change to pen-mode.
Weekend was wonderful! Well, of course, EEN was postponed, and I did go for a rather nice movie and a great dinner after that and a last minute unexpected 10.11pm shopping at Jusco. Boy that was funny. We only wanted to go for a last minute sushi offer but ended up doing our shopping since the guards didn't chase us out.
Of course, we WERE supposed to go do our shopping earlier at Tesco, but due to the late dinner (which was caused by the late movie, which was partially caused by the GSC ppl and partially caused by our laziness to get off the bed/seat earlier...event trigger...hehe)...we even missed the last Bustuah and Baswira back to Bukit Beruang, and ended up taking Town Bus back to Jusco and taxi home. Everything turned out well in the end, yokatta. That was just Friday.
Saturday...hehe...since comp-chan was still on vacation, I lazed half the day away reading HP6. Yeah, about time. Finally got my butt down and realised that my housemate was cooking dinner. So helped out watever I can and sat down to munch dinner later. Yumm! Was quick enuff this time to grab the vege before Lisa gets her hand on it. Muahaha...
...and of course, best part of Sat: COMP-CHAN COMING BACK... *dances around* After dinner, went up to continue HP6....but then didn't really have mood...kept looking at handphone for time...then around 8, i picked it up to play with the settings and as i was about to put it down, IT RANG!! My bro's friend saying he's on his way with my comp... :3 ..SO HAPPY....
*muaks muaks* Fuiii...I missed it so much!! And of course as you have guessed it, I didn't sleep very early that nite....leeching all those missed episodes as well as doing some catchups...hehe..
*bites dodol given by sis* ..yeah, she came by just now to pass my stuff i bought from PC Fair the other day (and tak larat carry back)...and passed me a pack of Alor Star dodol...YUMMY...going over to her hotel to stay tmr...Renaissance....damn nice room...and she said she brought white wine..weeee!!
Okay, I skipped was so LOVELY. Haven't had such a sweet and nice day in SO LONG. Didn't have to set the alart coz I can wake up ANYTIME...and it was raining...and was sooo cool....woke up around 12 to see my friend message me with "Good.....afternon" and I replied (while STILL lying down on my bed) "I'm still squirming in my bed" ....XD ....snuggled a while longer and got up and chat with her....until 2 sumthing and I had to go for EMiNA meeting..darn....
...Then it was Monday...URGH.....hates it...nuff said...
Am sleepy now....dun wanna write anymore....
Laters ;)
August 12, 2005
Everytime I enter my looks so sounds so dull...and it is....dull.
Everytime I enter the door and I turn to the familiar place where you would be, I don't see you...and it saddens me greatly. You were always there, ready to greet me everytime I come in thru that door but now, you're not here.
It's so...quiet. The whole room is liveless.
I can't do anything without you. I kept thinking of you. I'm dying to see you!!!
I bought something new for you, you know. I want to show it to you. I'm sure you'll love it. When are you coming back??
I can't wait till the day you come back to me.
I'll be waiting.....
Crap..the stupid haze is finally getting to's raining...and all I can smell is smoke!'s so disgusting!!! Stupid 'neighbours'...
Everytime I enter the door and I turn to the familiar place where you would be, I don't see you...and it saddens me greatly. You were always there, ready to greet me everytime I come in thru that door but now, you're not here.
It's so...quiet. The whole room is liveless.
I can't do anything without you. I kept thinking of you. I'm dying to see you!!!
I bought something new for you, you know. I want to show it to you. I'm sure you'll love it. When are you coming back??
I can't wait till the day you come back to me.
I'll be waiting.....
Crap..the stupid haze is finally getting to's raining...and all I can smell is smoke!'s so disgusting!!! Stupid 'neighbours'...
August 5, 2005
Was painting my room today, took my doggy upstairs and put her on my bed (w/o the mattress)...and she lingered around the bed (coz she dare not jump off the bed...too kecik)...and when my aunt put down the painting bucket 'thing' (dunno the correct name) ...she came and drink it, thinking it was plain water...
Result: blue chinned shitzu
Her paws were blue too...
Anyways, my aunt got tired later, slept on the bed...and I painted some hiragana on her stomach...her leg...and her arm... X3
Nahhh...she wasn't mad.
Had lotsa fun today shopping with her at Tesco. Shopping's always much better when it's only us. We think a lot alike...kekekke....
.....I want my Trinity Blood....
Result: blue chinned shitzu
Her paws were blue too...
Anyways, my aunt got tired later, slept on the bed...and I painted some hiragana on her stomach...her leg...and her arm... X3
Nahhh...she wasn't mad.
Had lotsa fun today shopping with her at Tesco. Shopping's always much better when it's only us. We think a lot alike...kekekke....
.....I want my Trinity Blood....
August 1, 2005
Sleepless: A Day's Journal
Journal Date: 29th July, Friday
Observation period: 40 hours (+/-)
Note: Accuracy of time is not gueranteed due to forgetfulness.
0100: Laundry, fridge clearing, random chats, room cleaning, more random chats.
0300: Retreat to room. Loveless marathon session cancelled due to Lisa's inability to maintain consciousness.
0400: Queues random files on mIRC. Downloads random files from too. Delete random files to accomodate new files. Comp rants and threatens to die on me. Rants and whines ignored. Proceeds to download files.
0430: Comp starts to give further threat. Tries to delete MORE files to reduce threat.
0500: Friend messages to ask a few questions concerning clubstuff. Replies and goes gaming for a while. Comp issues lethal threat when trying to open game. Game shuts down upon opening. Threat acknowledged. *sigh* Delete more files and restarts comp.
0515: Plays game for a while. Proceeds to watch another episode of anime to delete it.
0550: Falls asleep after watching anime. Never did delete it, and lab report is also left aside.
0715: Wakes up suddenly and remembers about report. Rushes to finish it.
0855: Heads out to campus to collect pendrive from friend. Proceeds to have breakfast due to hunger (and starvation)
0940: Goes library to finish off report.
1115: Heads to lab to pass up report. Feels like passing out due to sleepiness. Heads home immediately.
1125: Lingers on comp and proceeds to rip out HDD, pack up CPU and sound system to send to friend's place for safekeeping. Constantly whines about it.
1215: Friend comes to collect comp. Informed that he will only be around after 12thAug due to an trip to China. Says goodbye to friend (and most importantly comp) and whines more about missing comp.
1230: Goes find food in house to distract self from missing comp status. Still whining.
1300: Tries to clean messy room and pack up to go home. Fail. Goes linger in housemate's Toasted 4 pieces of leftover bread and eats as 'tea'.
1500: Decides to retreat to own room to actually START packing.
1645: Does some minor remaining laundry and continues packing.
1750: Finished packing. Feels drunkly sleepy. Sets multiple alarm clock and falls asleep on bed.
1830: Wakes up blurry. Goes downstairs blurly. Make some drink. Goes back up and bathes. Prepares dinner, consisting of mushroom soup and remaining 5 pieces of bread in order to finish it before going home. Succeed to finish half a loaf of bread before returning home.
2000: Heads out to settle minor clubstuff and wait for friends to board taxi enroute to Sentral.
2045: Gets off taxi. Curses at driver's 'urgency' and reckless driving skills (eventho is impressed at the speed and shorcut detour). Proceeds to A&W to grab long missed float. Goes book shop. Fav mag missing. Curses fate.
2120: Board bus. Asked by driver to be careful and not spill my float. Yea yea watever. Another friend arriaves later. Face seen red and sweating profusely. Found out that she walked all the way from MP to Jonker to Sentral. Applauds her...erm...actions and settles down.
2140: Bus finally starts journey. Friend open's laptop and the 4 of us oggles at bishie (cute guys') pics. Another friend deeply impressed by the amount of manga and pics in her comp. Wait till she see me and my housemate's. Too bad batt can't last long enought. Could have had a decent anime marathon.
2230: Smoke is detected onboard. Some bastard smoking. Shouted for him to stop smoking (not knowing the suspect) but is practically ignored. Smell gone after a while.
2320: Bus arriaves at Seremban. Curses the jam earlier. Smoke detected again. Brat behind me starts to cry and proceeds to throw up...great. Smell is killing me. Drags sweater over face. Filter worked. Got a call from mum asking me to burn CDs for her upon arrival and being suddenly reminded that the house in under renovation and I have to sleep in the living room. Sweet.
- 30th July, Saturday -
0130: Random chats on-board. Arriaves at rest area.
0200: More random chats. Brain shut down several times.
0300: STILL chatting. No longer have control over brain. No longer know wat conversation is all about either. Surrenders and sleeps.
0400: Woken up suddenly. Is at Juru, an hour away from home. Bus stop to 'swap' passengers from AlorStar from my bus to SP passengers from another bus. Wasted 30 mins.
0510: Arriaves at Butterworth. Is informed bus is not in shape to continue journey. Curses more. Boards another (shabby) bus after 15mins and continues journey.
0535: Stops at SgMuda rest area. Driver wants to have a smoke. Feels irritated and restless. Contemplates and plots to grab the wheels and run off with bus.
0600: FINALLY heads off again...
0615: ...and FINALLY reached hometown. Rushes off to buy some breakfast due to starvation.
0630: Reaches home. Plays with darling puppy. Eats breakfast while burning CD for mum. Does random stuff.
0900: Crawls upstairs. Own room in bloody mess. No bed visible. Proceed to parent's room and faints off on their bed.
1530: Wakes up feeling all blurry (again) and remembers that self is at home.
- end of journal -
:P ...that was a long one. But yeah, conclusion is, didn't exactly have enough sleep for the day (if any at all) and went on bus, didn't even feel sleepy but brain just shut down on me...kekeke...and smokers on bus should all die...and brats...can't say anything. I pity that kid.
Observation period: 40 hours (+/-)
Note: Accuracy of time is not gueranteed due to forgetfulness.
0100: Laundry, fridge clearing, random chats, room cleaning, more random chats.
0300: Retreat to room. Loveless marathon session cancelled due to Lisa's inability to maintain consciousness.
0400: Queues random files on mIRC. Downloads random files from too. Delete random files to accomodate new files. Comp rants and threatens to die on me. Rants and whines ignored. Proceeds to download files.
0430: Comp starts to give further threat. Tries to delete MORE files to reduce threat.
0500: Friend messages to ask a few questions concerning clubstuff. Replies and goes gaming for a while. Comp issues lethal threat when trying to open game. Game shuts down upon opening. Threat acknowledged. *sigh* Delete more files and restarts comp.
0515: Plays game for a while. Proceeds to watch another episode of anime to delete it.
0550: Falls asleep after watching anime. Never did delete it, and lab report is also left aside.
0715: Wakes up suddenly and remembers about report. Rushes to finish it.
0855: Heads out to campus to collect pendrive from friend. Proceeds to have breakfast due to hunger (and starvation)
0940: Goes library to finish off report.
1115: Heads to lab to pass up report. Feels like passing out due to sleepiness. Heads home immediately.
1125: Lingers on comp and proceeds to rip out HDD, pack up CPU and sound system to send to friend's place for safekeeping. Constantly whines about it.
1215: Friend comes to collect comp. Informed that he will only be around after 12thAug due to an trip to China. Says goodbye to friend (and most importantly comp) and whines more about missing comp.
1230: Goes find food in house to distract self from missing comp status. Still whining.
1300: Tries to clean messy room and pack up to go home. Fail. Goes linger in housemate's Toasted 4 pieces of leftover bread and eats as 'tea'.
1500: Decides to retreat to own room to actually START packing.
1645: Does some minor remaining laundry and continues packing.
1750: Finished packing. Feels drunkly sleepy. Sets multiple alarm clock and falls asleep on bed.
1830: Wakes up blurry. Goes downstairs blurly. Make some drink. Goes back up and bathes. Prepares dinner, consisting of mushroom soup and remaining 5 pieces of bread in order to finish it before going home. Succeed to finish half a loaf of bread before returning home.
2000: Heads out to settle minor clubstuff and wait for friends to board taxi enroute to Sentral.
2045: Gets off taxi. Curses at driver's 'urgency' and reckless driving skills (eventho is impressed at the speed and shorcut detour). Proceeds to A&W to grab long missed float. Goes book shop. Fav mag missing. Curses fate.
2120: Board bus. Asked by driver to be careful and not spill my float. Yea yea watever. Another friend arriaves later. Face seen red and sweating profusely. Found out that she walked all the way from MP to Jonker to Sentral. Applauds her...erm...actions and settles down.
2140: Bus finally starts journey. Friend open's laptop and the 4 of us oggles at bishie (cute guys') pics. Another friend deeply impressed by the amount of manga and pics in her comp. Wait till she see me and my housemate's. Too bad batt can't last long enought. Could have had a decent anime marathon.
2230: Smoke is detected onboard. Some bastard smoking. Shouted for him to stop smoking (not knowing the suspect) but is practically ignored. Smell gone after a while.
2320: Bus arriaves at Seremban. Curses the jam earlier. Smoke detected again. Brat behind me starts to cry and proceeds to throw up...great. Smell is killing me. Drags sweater over face. Filter worked. Got a call from mum asking me to burn CDs for her upon arrival and being suddenly reminded that the house in under renovation and I have to sleep in the living room. Sweet.
- 30th July, Saturday -
0130: Random chats on-board. Arriaves at rest area.
0200: More random chats. Brain shut down several times.
0300: STILL chatting. No longer have control over brain. No longer know wat conversation is all about either. Surrenders and sleeps.
0400: Woken up suddenly. Is at Juru, an hour away from home. Bus stop to 'swap' passengers from AlorStar from my bus to SP passengers from another bus. Wasted 30 mins.
0510: Arriaves at Butterworth. Is informed bus is not in shape to continue journey. Curses more. Boards another (shabby) bus after 15mins and continues journey.
0535: Stops at SgMuda rest area. Driver wants to have a smoke. Feels irritated and restless. Contemplates and plots to grab the wheels and run off with bus.
0600: FINALLY heads off again...
0615: ...and FINALLY reached hometown. Rushes off to buy some breakfast due to starvation.
0630: Reaches home. Plays with darling puppy. Eats breakfast while burning CD for mum. Does random stuff.
0900: Crawls upstairs. Own room in bloody mess. No bed visible. Proceed to parent's room and faints off on their bed.
1530: Wakes up feeling all blurry (again) and remembers that self is at home.
- end of journal -
:P ...that was a long one. But yeah, conclusion is, didn't exactly have enough sleep for the day (if any at all) and went on bus, didn't even feel sleepy but brain just shut down on me...kekeke...and smokers on bus should all die...and brats...can't say anything. I pity that kid.
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