Then there was finals. Had first of my 3 papers in the first 4 days of exam, then it was almost a week before my final paper...then some spring cleaning and lotsa sleep to catch up...and then there was gatherings/farewells, makan good food (haven't spent so much for so much good food in a while), reminiscence, chats, camwhoring, and movies.
Then there were goodbyes.
There's still a whole load of pics I haven't processed, for the ones I've processed, I've uploaded to Facebook (EMiNA's last gathering...have emailed to the ppl who attended too but if you didn't get the mail, drop me a comment/mail)
I've got one more sem to go but most of the people I know are QJ says, "It won't be the last time you'll be seeing them, unless you make it so" ( I hope you guys don't forget to send me invitation card when you guys get married...hahaha! I'll remember to ;P )
I'm done packing for the short holiday back home. of detour before hitting the nest. First stop's KL for a few days...check out some new places, then to Penang to hang out with Shindee (gosh there's this very nice looking bakery that I really really wanna check out, Rainforest Bakery and Pastry. Blogs and maps: Gourmet Garden, what2seeonline, Thestar, GoogleMap ...)...then back home for a week. Mum will strangle me if she was in Malaysia (she's in Tibet...having fun...w/o me...sob) means no net=no blog (alasan! HAHAHA)
Here's some pics of the gathering the other day.

Some of the best things to have happened in my life.
(sayang dun jealous ok? :P)

Some of the best people I've worked with and have the privellage to know.
EMiNA (or rather, GACC) was also the reason QJ and I are together ;)
(left): QJ, me, Loo Mun, Lisa, Lynn
(right): Khurshid, Yuhi, Edo, Shu Yin, Dexter
(belakang camera): Jin
(penang): Shindee & Rabbits

Till the next time I feel like writing (hopefully if I get my hands on my sis' lappy while she's asleep :P)....taa~
Yeah, good times. *sniffs*
Certainly had great time working with you too.
Eh, no worries, I'll be around next sem, so if anything just poke and I'll try to make it. :P
Lol, invitation card eh ? I will surely send you one, IF I ever get married, hopefully...^^;
Oh yey, can kacau Khurshid! :DD You say wan aaa!
Eh...but I meant poke as in can ajak me keluar and all..^^;
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