Most of you visiting Kristine's blog probably don't give much of a care about the game, but I'm pretty sure most of you would appreciate great art.

Naya Battlemage - Art by Steve Argyle
I was really excited about this new set for one very decisive reason - the art is just so stunningly amazing.
If you'd like to know more about the game, visit or

Ajani Vengeant - Art by Wayne Reynolds
Or, if you're a kind friend, or a frequent magic player yourself, please do visit my Magic blog at
Mmmm.... I've run out of things to say. Enjoy the rest of the art without my incessant ramblings. ;)

Hellkite Overlord - Art by Justin Sweet

Empyrial Archangel - Art by Greg Staples

Master of Etherium - Art by Matt Cavotta

Windwright Mage - Art by Chippy

Clarion Ultimatum - Art by Michael Komarck

Predator Dragon - Art by Raymond Swanland
All artwork and trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners - © 1995-2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.