'City of Entertainment' taken from 8th floor, First World Hotel
View from Cable Car as it left Skyway station
The view while we were getting higher, was as superb as ever. Simply love it.
The usual 'Cable Car moment' camwhoring :P
At one point, the mist suddenly grew so thick..
...and I couldn't help but be facinated with this scene.
Multishots of a cable car disappearing into the clouds
Arrived at the top station, and (easily) navigated ourselves to First World Plaza. After coming here 2 times, getting there wasn't so hard anymore. Actually got 'lost' first time I tried to go there last time.
Fav pic of the trip :D
As usual, we had to wait awfully long just to check in at the counter. We were 100++ numbers away from the current number being called to the counter. So sibuk, them. So...I started snapping random pics of couples, of ppl reading books, of random objects, and of a certain someone who was 'preaching' about magic. LOL
"Why my deck kicks ur deck's ass"
...yes, I was bored XP
Miniature of Genting Highland.
As soon as we got our room keys, we dumped our stuff and went makan...damn hungry. Had our first bite of 'expensive highland food' at 'Hao You Ji'-Good Friends Restaurant. Expensive chinese food. We accidentally ordered a whole chicken (thanks to the damn waiters for the bloody confusion)...end up tapau-ed half of it for dinner that night.
After that was Casino. Hahaha. I donated RM10 to the casino funds there. 10 bucks...just to press random buttons. The casino was less impressive than what I thought it would be. A LOT of old ppl in there. A lot of ppl from Singapore. A lot of ppl smoking (my poor eyes..stinging sial)...a lot of money spent. It was an o-kay experience for me. Overrated. Heh. Well the best part of the casino was the end of it. There was this nice little 'cafe'. Free drinks. Free flow. Milo, nescafe, teh tarik, orange juice...dunno wat else. Next time go First World there thirsty, remember to drop by your friendly local Casino for some hot/cold drinks :D .
No pics there.
After Casino was arcade. I think QJ already had a dose of arcading earlier when I was resting after lunch...cis....We tried the shooting game, Omega sumthing...cant remem. Anyway, we had this buy 1 free 1 promo so ended up spending RM18 for 80 bullets (or sumthing like dat)...was pretty nice, if it wasn't so expensive. Even had a 9.sumthing score shot. After that more arcade. DDR and para para...Ghost Squad la....then we went hunt for dinner. Looking for cheap and edible food in Genting is such a horrid pain in the ass. Ended up eating at this foodcourt-like place. Economy rice style. Plain rice and a scoop of tofu was RM6. Thankfully we saved up on the chicken. Hahaha. Wanted to go for Karaoke at night be it was after 9pm when we wanted to go and the coupon promotion require us to 'check in' before 9...so we went for more arcade again. swt.
Next morning. Breakfast. Yuk. Banyak. But not so nice. I think a bit 'jelak' ade. Somehow, even just eat a bit of the buffet breakfast makes you full. Felt like just having warm milk and cereal after the initial egg and ham + a bit of rice. I'd say the best food there was the cereals...and teh baked beans. How wrong can you get with those?
Went back room to zzz awhile cuz wasn't feeling well. QJ woke me up later for karaoke. It was a different promo. RM10 (minimum) set lunch and you get a booth for 2 hours. Was pretty worth it eventho we already had 'brunch'. RM10 nasi lemak and a drink. Singing like some crazy ppl is fun. They have quite a lot of songs but the problem is, the MTV that goes with the songs are...omg lame. If you're lucky, you get the song's original MTV BUT not get too happy cuz....you might just not have the lyrics there. Other times, you just get a 'not sexy enuff' lady prancing around in some local housing estate trying to look like she's not posing for the camera. Linkin Park was nutz. Alex Liew can sing. Pretty well too. Haha....diam diam ubi berisi. 'My Humps' was wtf ROFL. Taxi taxi taxi was just a nice way to end the little karaoke session.
It rained later that evening. Wonders why. /whistles
We splitted up and went our own ways. Went on 'Flying Coaster' just for the heck of 'themepark ride'. Had a chicken pie with QJ while enjoying the view/breeze. Syokness. Had a round of Ghost Squad with QJ...then we went back room to rest a bit before dinner. Was so comfy, didn't feel like waking up for dinner.
Dinner was at Coffee Terrace. Buffet dinner from 6 kitchen. Local Fav + Nonya, Chinese, Western, Japanese, Indian and Middle Eastern. Oh, don't forget the dessert table. Looks pretty luxurious too. RM54 but was worth it...cuz...It was free! XD
Random lamp near the entrance of Coffee Terrace
Entrance walkway to Coffee Terrace. They were having some 'Welcome to Penang' promo, thus the Penang Bridge.. =.=
More random deco
Omg food. OMG SUSHI+SASHIMI!! Salmon!~~~
Very nice western food as well. QJ loved that 'stir fry' vege from Chinese Kitchen
VERY kenyang XD
Suj, Eo, and Tim...hee~
Eh..not enuff food ke?
(Note: Orchids are not in the menu)
Ahem...Adeline is also not in the menu...
White Flag-Surrender ade la...
Oi Alex...still can eat?
(Almost) the last guests there.
Lotsa plates..
Hey look at-...oh shit..its stuck!
Boys will be boys...humping cannons...
Random deco..
More random deco..
After dinner: Snooker. And I suck at it... (chill la...2nd time playing nia)
After 4 rounds, we decided that it was STILL to early to go sleep. So we went Safari, the pub there. Fuckin disappointing. Dah la have to pay to go in. No cun chicks. Full of middle eastern+middle aged+unsexy men. Smoking on the dance floor. Sucky liquor mixes. Thankfully I didn't have to pay to get in.
High dee..
Went for a little stroll around the chilling outdoors after we ciao from that place. Winds were darn strong that night but it was lovely. Syokness. Wish it was that cold down here (but MUST have water heater or I'll swear I wun mandi for a week!)
Random deco-stuff outside First World Hotel lobby
Third day was pretty short. Buffet breakfast. Checkout. Free bowling...then we caught a bus back to the land of the hot air...sigh. So panas.
That ends the entry on my Genting trip last midterm break. So damn short. Bleh.