ROFL ...THAT, is screencap taken from one of the many episodes of my all time fav anime series, GITS:SAC - Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex ...yeah...really...really...weird to see this ep...I never noticed until that day that those pigs were being bar-coded that heavily...lol....
Really...don't let that screencap scare you. Here's the real thing.
A 2002 series based on it's 1995 film, GITS has gotta be one of the most mature, techno, and all-rounder show on my list. From the storyline, character, chara-design to the soundtrack, I'd give it a 10/10. It is true however that not everyone would enjoy this show. Sometimes the eps go a lil too deep, it takes more than one time of watching the show, to know wats actually happening. The main character, Kusanagi Motoko, never cease to impress me with her combat skills, her strategy plannings, her ability to sync with her cyborg body as well as her looks...phewwweeettt....she's hawt :P ...kicksass too...hehe...
...and the show wouldn't be complete...w/o these lil creatures.
Section 9's (Motoko's team, what the show basically revolves around) AI tanks. Assists the team in raids and surveillance. Great as a mode of transportation too and to Batou (you can consider him, Motoko's right hand man..in a way), great pet-like companion which can be spoilt like a real pet. All the tachikomas love Batou the most...going to the extend of giving up their life (yesh, they're 'alive') to save him.
....mmm....yea yea...you're bored. Just...go check it out if you haven't. The movies (Ghost in the Shell and Ghost in the Shell2: Innocence) will greatly bore you, if you don't quite know what the show is about, especially the latter. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT watch Innocence without at LEAST watching Season 2 (Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex 2nd GIG) beforehand. You will yawn non-stop...and dunno why the hell the show's out in the first place....but it had quite a deep meaning (tho slow, IMO) ....but overall...nice :D
Enuff talking...go watch!! :P
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