There'd prolly not be any part 2...cuz I'm just plain I'll just start with my presents list... XD
Ppl these days ARE getting lazy....they no longer wrap pressies....heck, out of the presents I got this year, only *counts* 2 or 3 were wrapped...can't really be helped actually...since in most cases I already know what they are before they were labelled as 'presents' ...kekeke
Mum Dad: Kodansha Kanji Dictionary Asian Edition
Eldest Sis: Saiyuki RELOAD Vol 1-3 (My friend, Sue-Ann gave me Vol 4 for Xmas last year)
Bro+Sis-in-law: Some candlelight ornament thingy from Phuket, their honeymoon place
2nd Sis: 'red earth' eyeshadow!! reddish brown shade with gold shimmer....unyaaa..sankyuu~~
Aunt: Still pending...she ask me to buy myself and then claim from her...nyehehehe...
Sue-Ann: A cute nice bracelet...nicely wrapped too *still has the box and ribbons, re-wrapped...kekee*
Karolina: Sanzo GIFT ART from dA!! UWAAA SO CUTE!! THankiesss!
Lisa: Saiyuki RELOAD Vol 5 (I never have to pay for my RELOADs...kekeke)
MunMun+Shindee: Body Shop Shampoo+Candle set...waa...sankyuu~ *huggies*
YiNing: Japanese 'sake' set (the 'container' thingy+cup...i seriously dunno wat to call it...私は ばかです[watashi wa baka desu])
Sharon: Earring+Xmas Ornament..wrapped
4th Aunt: ...ermm...some stationery...wrapped
Eldest Sis: Saiyuki RELOAD Vol 1-3 (My friend, Sue-Ann gave me Vol 4 for Xmas last year)
Bro+Sis-in-law: Some candlelight ornament thingy from Phuket, their honeymoon place
2nd Sis: 'red earth' eyeshadow!! reddish brown shade with gold shimmer....unyaaa..sankyuu~~
Aunt: Still pending...she ask me to buy myself and then claim from her...nyehehehe...
Sue-Ann: A cute nice bracelet...nicely wrapped too *still has the box and ribbons, re-wrapped...kekee*
Karolina: Sanzo GIFT ART from dA!! UWAAA SO CUTE!! THankiesss!
Lisa: Saiyuki RELOAD Vol 5 (I never have to pay for my RELOADs...kekeke)
MunMun+Shindee: Body Shop Shampoo+Candle set...waa...sankyuu~ *huggies*
YiNing: Japanese 'sake' set (the 'container' thingy+cup...i seriously dunno wat to call it...私は ばかです[watashi wa baka desu])
Sharon: Earring+Xmas Ornament..wrapped
4th Aunt: ...ermm...some stationery...wrapped
Okay...not very expensive stuffs (cannot compare with Kaka....ppl got iPod ... >.< ) ..but heck..I like them....thanks all *huggiesss* Wat I did for XMas??...Basically...the first half of it, i just...fainted...I came back from Singapore around 7...didn't even bathe...heck I didn't even change out from my jeans..just my shirt (i think... ^^; )...plop down on the bed..and I just slept...damn I was tired....woke up a few times in between and kicked my friend, asking her out for a we had Delifrance for lunch....hehe....I COULD have cooked some Christmas meal....IF I knew I wasn't going anywhere dat nite....ahh nevermind.... So now..the 'Blergh' part.... GACC organizing's pretty much...blergh...dun really wanna talk much bout's just damn plain 'vague' ...thank goodness at this rate, the Org Comms are really eagerly attending to it, despite finals and stuff... So...other stuffs..... I'm addicted to Juuni Kokki....thanks to Shindee for throwing it over to my HDD...DAMN DAT EMPEROR OF EN HAD TO BE SO LENGCHAI YAUYENG!! (Tho...Hotohori STILL tops the list in my harem..ahem ahem...) Komatsu Naotaka I think..his name....aka Shouryuu...and all the concept of the whole story..I'm just in love with the series....I MIGHT just crazily re-watch the whole 45 eps during my hols...kekke.... *Is a sucker for stories of different worlds with different concept of 'functionality'* ...Firefox 1.5...made my blog function a lil better...the scroll actually works now! ..kekke....last time I couldn't scroll with my mouse 'scroll wheel'....and added a few new my Firefox now looks like this..kekekke...

Theme used: PitchBlack...damn now I like it dark....Damn I like my Firefox so much... ^^;;;
As you can see..loaded on the browser is my photobucket page...with pictures taken from my room.....including the porridge that I cooked *it was hot and steaming at that time...kekeke* .... *have decided to cook porridge tmr* .....yea my messy red coloured room....and I like feels like 8am at 12noon...kekeke.... sleepy now....been raining whole day...even when I went to Sue-Ann's place for lunch.... (and she tapau some curry and prawn for me to have as dinner!!...and she even gave me some uncooked rice...cuz I ran out of rice..and she bought too much rice.... *sob sob* ...sankyuuuuuuu) a result...dinner was yummily luxurious...rice was nicely soft enuff (last time I put too lil water..and it was...ermm..stiff....urgh....)..sit in front of comp....and ate while chatting with her... (speak of coincidence....hehe) ....damn...her mum can really cook...summore ask me go over for 'kenduri' she holds annualy for CNY...too bad I have to go back everyyear during CNY....else my mum (AND dad) will skin me alive...kekeke...wonder if I'll get the chance to join her mum's kenduri...hehe...prolly when she gets married ^^ ...kekeke....I'm so cheeky...)
Bed is calling..... *jumps on it and disappears with harem bishs*
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