..listening to: Poly tones to DL
....damn...IT'S OUT!!!!!! ARGHHHHHH
Just LOOK at the DELICIOUS COVER!! And it's SO SMARTLY IN GREY TOO...it looks so cool dammit it'll look good among my collection...almost tempting me to buy the Japanese version instead of waiting for Chuang Yi's version....

....dammit it's gonna take them forever to release it....
Look who's at the back....hehe...
My friend, blumarine's dreams came true...this darling DID make it to the back cover...tho we'd much prefer if he hadn't dyed his hair...ermm..olive green??...nevermind...
Dammit it's killing me....
.....*gawks summore*
Dammit I have this urgh to ring her up at this very hour..just to tell her the news...I...dun think she'll kill me....ahh..just SMS and make her wake up falling off the bed.... XD