So ANYWAYSSSss...wats up?? ....Puppy's gotten cuter....and prettier...I straightened my hair (berita basi..keke)....Japanese Language Proficiency Test[JLPT] went rather well...except for the 'kuda liar' ride to and fro (sheezzz)..XMas is approaching weee~~ ...celebrating in Singapore for the first time in my life....with my friends summore X3 ...so happy :D :D ....was kinda surprised mum let me...tho it didn't really come easy...but alas...outcome is a nice one...so what do I have to complain??
Kay....flashbacks....holiday stuffs....Bro's wedding.....all went well..he liked the guest book I 'made' for him..he liked the powerpoint presentation I made for him...he liked the church wedding booklet cover I made for him...so...^^; ...I also love the big big angpau his wife gave me.... :D ほんとう に やさしい な [she's really very kind] ..and nice too!! ...it's nice ne...to like your sister-in-law! XD .... [bro's wedding pics all here.. but be forewarned...it's VERY messy (not my fault...oniichan didn't susun...kekeke]...

...ok I shaddup
...a bit more.....

...ok ok ok... *hides behind door against aimed rotten eggs* ....just one more...ONE more....

I....better ciao dulu before U guys kill me cuz u guys kenot tahan the pictures anymore... (thank goodness it's not SEM break....else ppl with dialup WILL kill me...kekeke...)
p/s: Lynn, thanks for recommending the mee hun kuey...damn oishii :9
p/s: Lynn, thanks for recommending the mee hun kuey...damn oishii :9
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