It's already middle of May and it has also been 5 months since I last blogged. Life has been BUSY but a lot of fun! So much has changed in the past half year and yet it seem like such a short time since I joined my new company.
For those who may not have known, I'm currently working in a cafe on Jonker's St, Melaka. Maybe most of you exMMU-ians would have heard of the name of the place: Geographer Cafe. Making the leap was the most scary and yet exciting decision I've made so far and yet might have been the best I've had for now. In the past months, I've gained so much new knowledge in things that I could only have learnt from books (or in this time and age: the net). I've also gained so many new colleagues and friends (male colleagues-ahaha! My previous colleagues are all chicks and we have to do all the heavy lifting. It's nice to be pampered for a change when they absolutely refuse to let us girls carry heavy stuff ;P), and chatted with so many of our guests - from all over the globe! I'd rain QJ with so many stories of the day the moment I step into the car and it'll go on until we reach our apartment. Tho it's absurdly tiring and I've practically kissed my Sat Sun weekends goodbye, having my 'weekend' on normal ppl's weekdays do have their perks (shopping in mall without the crazy crowd and without the crazy jam on the road-bliss). Tho, I do miss my family (and FLUFFY!!) so, I better check my calendar for an off day to go back soon ^^;
But somehow, letting all these days pass without dotting them down seems like a bit of a waste, seeing as ppl forget (and I forget a lot of things these days!) and maybe (in my dreams la) one day I might compile these tales from my guests into a book and publish it for good money someday (AHAHAHAHA....right). So perhaps, it might be a good idea to make this blog into a bit of a notebook of my day with my guests...and colleagues. Not too much drama, I hope...tho I dunno how committed I will be with this new idea (more so with the coming of D3! yikes!)
Until then, lemme leave you with some pics I have in this sweet iPad that came with my job (nyehehehe-show off!)

That's our staff trip to Ulu Bendul waterfalls. Yes most of them are guys (the other girl didn't come cuz she wanted to collect her results. Boo!) and most of them are foreign workers. Very very hardworking, talented, and fun bunch! Learnt a lot from them!

A cuppa that one of the boys made. Will be attending a coffee class this Thurs. Can't wait!

A pic of lé BF and me, on the way to Wazen on my bday...yum!

My nighttime companions, cum pillow/bolster.
That's all for now I guess. Gotta sleep before I regret it again tmr morn +.~zz