August 12, 2009

H1N1 Phobia? ...or just alasan?

I dunno if most of the people in my campus are just plain scared of A(H1N1)...or they're just taking advantage of the situation to 'ponteng' class? Half of my Math class today (or more than half) are absent...number of people at TKD training's kinda sad too...I see quite a lot of people wearing masks in campus, even lecturers (Dr Gan conducted class wearing a mask today..and my lecturer put on his mask as he was approaching a table where he caught one student!)

Some have claimed that people they know (in MMU Melaka) have contracted H1N1 but since there's no news of it...I'll assume it as rumour but I don't really see the use of shutting down the campus for a quarantine...since those people don't really understand what a 'quarantine' really is? (they'll just treat it like a holiday and go lepak in town or sumthing...which is worse) lecturers would be too darn trigger happy to be replacing their classes..bleh...

As for me...the only precaution I'm taking is to monitor myself and people around me for symptoms (since I don't really go out often so that already helps as it is)...thank goodness I bought that thermometer last time ;P

Life goes on...

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